A menubar app adaptation of Emoji searcher.
Download the latest version for Mac on the releases page (and drag into your apps folder.)
🚩 Install using Homebrew Cask
# Make sure homebrew knows about the latest mojibar
$ brew update && brew upgrade brew-cask
# Install mojibar
$ brew cask install mojibar
After installation, find Mojibar in your apps folder or search Mojibar in spotlight. Mojibar will appear in your tray at the top right corner of your screen.
To upgrade mojibar installed from brew-cask to a newer version:
$ brew cask reinstall mojibar
Download the latest version for Linux on the releases page (and drag into your apps folder.)
You can use it without install any font, but the not all emoji will work, to get all emoji list you can try these approach:
- Color – Follow these instructions
- Black and White – Download this emoji font
control + shift + space
Open app.
command/control + ,
Open preference (while window is open).
Navigate between emojis.
Copy emoji unicode char and exit. For example: 💩
shift + enter
Copy emoji code and exit. For example: :poop:
Next page.
shift + space
Previous page.
Jump to the search field.
command/control + q
Quit Mojibar (while window is open).
$ git clone https://github.com/muan/mojibar.git
$ cd mojibar
$ npm install
$ npm start