Releases: mse-org/mseide-msegui
MSEgui version 5.10.4.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2024-04-13 MSEgui version 5.10.4.
Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2 and 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-x86_64, Linux-i386,
Linux-Rpi-arm32, Linux-Rpi-aarch64,
FreeBSD-x86_64, FreeBSD-i386,
NetBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-i386,
OpenBSD-x86_64, OpenBSD-i386,
Darwin-MacOs-x86_64, Darwin-MacOs-aarch64,
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- BGRABitmap graphic library compatible.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
Warning: For Windows, with optimization >= 3, better use -OoNODFA to disable DFA. See here: #60
Warning: For Darwin-MacOs, you need to install xquartz and fontconfig:
> brew install xquartz fontconfig
For the release of binary MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.10.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.10.4.)
See assets at end of page:
MSEgui version 5.10.2.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2024-03-21 MSEgui version 5.10.2.
Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2 and 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-x86_64, Linux-i386,
Linux-Rpi-arm32, Linux-Rpi-aarch64,
FreeBSD-x86_64, FreeBSD-i386,
NetBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-i386,
OpenBSD-x86_64, OpenBSD-i386,
Darwin-MacOs-x86_64, Darwin-MacOs-aarch64,
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- BGRABitmap graphic library compatible.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
Warning: For Windows, with optimization >= 3, better use -OoNODFA to disable DFA. See here: #60
Warning: For Darwin-MacOs, you need to install xquartz and fontconfig:
> brew install xquartz fontconfig
For the release of binary MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.10.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.10.2.)
See assets at end of page:
MSEgui+MSEide version 5.10.0.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2024-02-12 Version 5.10.0.
Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2 and 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-x86_64, Linux-i386,
Linux-Rpi-arm32, Linux-Rpi-aarch64,
FreeBSD-x86_64, FreeBSD-i386, FreeBSD-rpi-aarch64,
NetBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-i386,
OpenBSD-x86_64, OpenBSD-i386,
Darwin-MacOs-x86_64, Darwin-MacOs-aarch64,
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
Warning: For Windows, with optimization >= 3, better use -OoNODFA to disable DFA. See here: #60
Warning: For Darwin-MacOs, you need to install xquartz and fontconfig:
> brew install xquartz fontconfig
MSEgui 5.8.8.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2023-09-04 Version 5.8.8.
Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2 and 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-x86_64, Linux-i386,
Linux-Rpi-arm32, Linux-Rpi-aarch64,
FreeBSD-x86_64, FreeBSD-i386,
NetBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-i386,
OpenBSD x86_64, OpenBSD-i386,
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
For the release of MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.8.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.8.8.)
See assets in end of page:
MSEgui 5.8.6.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2023-08-09 Version 5.8.6.
Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2, 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-i386, Linux-x86_64,
Linux-arm32 and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi),
FreeBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-x86_64 and OpenBSD-x86_64.
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
For the release of MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.8.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.8.6.)
See assets in end of page:
MSEgui 5.8.4.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2023-08-03 Version 5.8.4.
Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2, 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-i386, Linux-x86_64,
Linux-arm32 and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi),
FreeBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-x86_64 and OpenBSD-x86_64.
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
For the release of MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.8.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.8.4.)
See assets in end of page:
MSEgui 5.8.2
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2023-06-08 Version 5.8.2.
Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0. 3.2.2.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-i386, Linux-x86_64,
Linux-arm32 and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi),
FreeBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-x86_64 and OpenBSD-x86_64.
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
For the release of MSEide, please use the assets of release 5.8.0. (no change in MSEide for MSEgui 5.8.2.)
See assets in end of page:
MSEide 5.8.0
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
2023-05-28 Version 5.8.0.
Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0, 3.2.2, 3.3.1.
- Compiles with FPC-LLVM 3.3.1.
- For Linux-x86_64, Linux-i386,
- Linux-aarch64 and arm32 (Raspberry Pi),
- FreeBSD-x86_64, FreeBSD-i386,
- NetBSD-x86_64, NetBSD-i386,
- OpenBSD-x86_64, OpenBSD-i386,
- Windows-x86_64, Windows-i386.
- Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
MSEide+MSEgui 5.6.10.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
Version 5.6.10 2022-10-24.
- Fixes to previous release.
- Transparent background and other options for forms.
- Added option to dynamic loading of PO-MO GetText files (-dmse_dynpo parameter).
- Compatible with trunk fpc 3.3.1. date: 2022-10-24.
Copyright (c) 1999-2022 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0. 3.2.2.
- For FreeBSD-x86_64, Linux-i386, Linux-x86_64,
Linux-arm32 and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi),
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.
Video of installation + load/run demo:
MSEide+MSEgui 5.6.8.
MSEide+MSEgui Pascal Cross Platform GUI Development System.
Version 5.6.8 2022-04-09.
- Fixes to previous release.
- Added option to dynamic loading of PO-MO GetText files (-dmse_dynpo parameter).
- Compatible with trunk fpc 3.3.1. date: 2022-04-09.
Copyright (c) 1999-2022 by Martin Schreiber and friends.
- Compiles with FPC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.2.0. 3.2.2.
- For FreeBSD-x86_64, Linux-i386, Linux-x86_64,
Linux-arm32 and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi),
Windows-i386, Windows-x86_64. - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
- Internal character encoding is utf-16.
- Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (Xft).
- All screen drawing is double buffered.
- Has docking forms and MDI.
- Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
- Has a class bridge that can be enabled.
- Has sophisticated database access components and data edit widgets.
- Internationalization functionality with resource modules.
- Report generator.
- Integrated debugging.
- Source code highlighting.
- Source code navigation with support for include files.
- Code completion for classes.
- Procedures list.
- Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
events. - Flexible and handy build system with switchable macros.
- Visual form inheritance.
- Integrated report designer.
- Classes bridge provided.