A Ruby gem version of https://github.com/tchapi/pagedown-bootstrap for the Rails asset pipeline.
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'pagedown-bootstrap-rails'
In Rails 3.1 or Rails 3.2 this goes in the :asset
group, but in Rails 4 it goes with the top level gems.
You will also need Bootstrap and FontAwesome for PageDown Bootstrap Rails to work.
Require the CSS with Sprockets:
/*= require pagedown_bootstrap */
Or with a SASS import:
@import "pagedown_bootstrap";
Sprockets require the JS too:
//= require pagedown_bootstrap
Or individually as you please:
//= require markdown.converter
//= require markdown.editor
//= require markdown.sanitizer
//= require markdown.extra
You will need to instantiate PageDown and pagedown-bootstrap-rails comes with pagedown_init
for you to optionally include:
$ ->
$('textarea.wmd-input').each (i, input) ->
attr = $(input).attr('id').split('wmd-input')[1]
converter = new Markdown.Converter()
help =
handler: () ->
return false
title: "<%= I18n.t('components.markdown_editor.help', default: 'Markdown Editing Help') %>"
editor = new Markdown.Editor(converter, attr, help)
Just require it with Sprockets after pagedown_bootstrap
//= require pagedown_bootstrap
//= require pagedown_init
I like to then use a new SimpleForm input:
class PagedownInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::TextInput
def input
out = "<div id=\"wmd-button-bar-#{attribute_name}\"></div>\n"
out << "#{@builder.text_area(attribute_name, input_html_options.merge(
{ :class => 'wmd-input', :id => "wmd-input-#{attribute_name}"})) }"
if input_html_options[:preview]
out << "<div id=\"wmd-preview-#{attribute_name}\" class=\"wmd-preview\"></div>"
Which you use in your form like so:
= f.input :description, :as => :pagedown, :input_html => { :preview => true }
This is how it looks: