📧 🔑 Send short encrypted message by GitHub ID
Encrypt the short message by a ssh-rsa public key on GitHub, and send it by a mail to user's email address which is written on GitHub profile page.
It requires gmail account and authentication information, because this program sends email via gmail.
Put the configuration file of gmail on your home directory;
cat <<EOS >$HOME/.naisho
address: [email protected]
password: PASSWORD
And run the command;
$ naisho <Target GitHub ID> <Message>
Then it sends the email to target GitHub user's mail address (it is on profile page) with an attachment which contains encrypted message.
When you want to read a received attachment, you just execute following command;
$ openssl rsautl -decrypt -oaep -inkey <Your Secret Key> -in <Attachment>
This program gets ssh-rsa public keys from https://github.com/user-id.keys, it uses the topmost key.
And gets a target email address from https://github.com/user-id
Length of the secret message differs depending on strength of the used key.
moznion ([email protected])