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Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify.



Spotify have recently disabled username and password login for playback (#394) and we now use access token login. You no longer need to provide your Spotify account username or password.

Mopidy-Spotify currently has no support for the following:

  • Seeking
  • Gapless playback
  • Volume normalization
  • Saving items to My Music (#108) - possible via web API
  • Podcasts (#201) - now possible
  • Radio (#9) - unavailable?
  • Spotify Connect (#14)

Working support for the following features is currently available:

  • Playback
  • Search
  • Playlists (read-only)
  • Top lists and Your Music (read-only)
  • Lookup by URI


We currently require a forked version of this plugin which supports token-based login. This can be found here.

Verify the GStreamer spotify plugin is correctly installed:

gst-inspect-1.0 spotifyaudiosrc | grep Version | awk '{print $2}'


Install by running:

sudo python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages mopidy-spotify==5.0.0a3


Before starting Mopidy, you must visit to authorize this extension against your Spotify account:

client_id = ... client_id value you got from ...
client_secret = ... client_secret value you got from ...


Remove any credentials.json file you may have manually created.

The following configuration values are available:

  • spotify/enabled: If the Spotify extension should be enabled or not. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/client_id: Your Spotify application client id. You must provide this.

  • spotify/client_secret: Your Spotify application secret key. You must provide this.

  • spotify/bitrate: Audio bitrate in kbps. 96, 160, or 320. Defaults to 160.

  • spotify/volume_normalization: Whether volume normalization is active or not. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/timeout: Seconds before giving up waiting for search results, etc. Defaults to 10.

  • spotify/allow_cache: Whether to allow caching. The cache is stored in a "spotify" directory within Mopidy's core/cache_dir. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/cache_size: Maximum cache size in MiB. Set to 0 for unlimited. Defaults to 8192.

  • spotify/allow_playlists: Whether or not playlists should be exposed. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/search_album_count: Maximum number of albums returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 20.

  • spotify/search_artist_count: Maximum number of artists returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 10.

  • spotify/search_track_count: Maximum number of tracks returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 50.

  • spotify/username: Deprecated since v5.0.0a3.

  • spotify/password: Deprecated since v5.0.0a3.

Project resources


Set up development environment

Clone the repo using, e.g. using gh:

gh repo clone mopidy/mopidy-spotify

Enter the directory, and install dependencies using uv:

cd mopidy-spotify/
uv sync

Running tests

To run all tests and linters in isolated environments, use tox:


To only run tests, use pytest:


To format the code, use ruff:

ruff format .

To check for lints with ruff, run:

ruff check .

To check for type errors, use pyright:

pyright .

Making a release

To make a release to PyPI, go to the project's GitHub releases page and click the "Draft a new release" button.

In the "choose a tag" dropdown, select the tag you want to release or create a new tag, e.g. v0.1.0. Add a title, e.g. v0.1.0, and a description of the changes.

Decide if the release is a pre-release (alpha, beta, or release candidate) or should be marked as the latest release, and click "Publish release".

Once the releease is created, the release.yml GitHub Action will automatically build and publish the release to PyPI.
