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Madrigal: Multimodal AI predicts clinical outcomes of drug combinations from preclinical data


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Madrigal: A Unified Multimodal Model for Predicting Drug Combination Effects

👀 Overview of Madrigal

Madrigal is an open-source model for predicting drug combination outcomes from multimodal preclinical data. This repository provides the implementation of the model as described in our project page and our paper.

🚀 Preparations

  1. Clone this Github repository and install following the section below.
  2. Set up data directories and create a .env file (see below).
  3. [Optional] Download datasets from our data repo in Harvard Dataverse and reorganize according to your .env setup.
  4. [Optional] Download pretrained checkpoints from our checkpoint repo in Huggingface and reorganize according to your .env setup.

🛠️ Training and Testing

We provide sample model pretraining (second-stage modality alignment) and training scripts in scripts/. Specifically, the second-stage pretraining scripts are provided in ./scripts/cl_pretrain/, and the fine-tuning scripts are provided in ./scripts/ddi_finetune/. The scripts will need to be adapted according to your machine.

The first-stage modality adaptation training scripts (or notebooks) and checkpoints can be found in modality_pretraining/. You can also run inference with model checkpoints using sample Jupyter notebooks (to be uploaded).

🌟 Personalize based on your own dataset

Currently, modifications of the codebase are required to enable adaptation of the model to your own dataset. Below is an outline of possible preparations.

  • There are certain arguments that require modifications (see ./madrigal/ if you are incorporating a new dataset.
    • data_source: This arg affects path to load data and training and evaluation strategy.
    • split_method: This arg affects path to load data and evaluation strategy.
    • task: Depending on the nature of your dataset, you might want to change this.
    • loss_fn_name: Depending on task, you might want to change or reimplement this.
  • Preparing data: Please refer to our provided data files for the exact formatting of each file.
    • Drugs
      • Metadata: Key to all other files.
      • Modality data
        • Structure: Use torchdrug to generate molecular graphs in the same way as molecules are ordered in metadata.
        • KG: Use PyG to generate HeteroData objects, making sure drug node indices are ordered in the same way as in metadata.
        • Cell viability: Mainly tables.
        • Transcriptomics: Mainly tables.
          • Note that you will need to regenerate a file (hard-coded as rdkit2D_embeddings_combined_all_normalized.parquet) for chemCPA usage/pretraining.
    • Drug combination outcomes
      • Tables of (label_indexed, head (drug 1), tail (drug 2), negs*) (depending on dataset splitting strategy, the negative columns will have different meanings).
      • Mapping between outcome label index and outcome information.

Detailed instructions

Installing madrigal

Before installing madrigal, please set up a new conda environment through mamba env create -f env_new.yaml (this process should take less than an hour; see mamba installation guidelines here). By default, our environment is with CUDA 11.7 (gcc 9.2). Please edit env_new.yaml accordingly if you are installing in another CUDA version. We welcome contributions of instructions on setting up the environment with other version control managers such as uv.

Then, activate this environment with mamba activate primekg. To install a global reference to madrigal package in your interpreter (e.g. from madrigal.X import Y), run the following:

cd /path/to/Madrigal
python -m pip install -e .

Then, test the install by trying to import madrigal in the interpreter:

python -c "import madrigal; print('Imported')" 

Now you should be able to use import madrigal from anywhere on your system, as long as you use the same python interpreter.

Setting up data and checkpoint directories

We organize our data and model output folders in the following way:

|-- processed_data
|  |-- polypharmacy_new
|  |  |-- DrugBank
|  |  |  |-- split_by_*
|  |  |  |  |-- data tables
|  |-- views_features_new
|  |  |-- metadata tables
|  |  |-- str
|  |  |  |-- torchdrug-generated molecular graphs
|  |  |-- kg
|  |  |  |-- PyG-generated KGs
|  |  |-- cv
|  |  |  |-- cell viability tables
|  |  |-- tx
|  |  |  |-- transcriptomics tables
|-- model_output
|  |-- pretrain
|  |  |-- DrugBank
|  |  |  |-- split_by_*
|  |-- DrugBank
|  |  |-- split_by_*

This structure is reflected in the model code. Please make necessary edits if you are using a different organization.

Then, please add a file .env to the project directory (root of this project) and specify the following paths (with / at the end):


⚖️ License

The code in this package is licensed under the MIT License.

Known issues

  1. The torchdrug module needs to be imported after importing torch_geometric modules.
  2. torchdrug>=0.2.0.post1 is required, as earlier versions cause an issue in LR scheduler.
  3. We use pytorch=1.13.1, which requires cuda<12.0.
  4. (Updated env_new.yaml to resolve this issue.) If you encounter TypeError: canonicalize_version() got an unexpected keyword argument 'strip_trailing_zero' while installing, please check out this post. In summary, either setuptools<71 or packaging>=22 is required.


Please find our preprint at

  author = {Huang, Yepeng and Su, Xiaorui and Ullanat, Varun and Liang, Ivy and Clegg, Lindsay and Olabode, Damilola and Ho, Nicholas and John, Bino and Gibbs, Megan and Zitnik, Marinka},
  title = {Multimodal AI predicts clinical outcomes of drug combinations from preclinical data},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2503.02781},
  year = {2025},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2503.02781},
  URL = {},