Take a folder with a hierarchy of markdown files and use this script to serve that folder as a live styled site with a built in navigation.
Basically this is a Sinatra script to serve a hierarchy / tree directory of markdown files as a live dynamic site. Use intended for small sites built in markdown.
There are many similar scripts done in a static fashion but I couldn't find a minimal system for serving markdown hierarchy based sites that was dynamic.
For that reason I created Markdown Tree. Having a dynamically generated site allows me to not have to worry about regenerating my site every time I make a minor change.
- Clone the repo:
git clone git://github.com/mil/markdown-tree.git
- Go into the directory:
cd markdown-tree
- Install the Sinatra and Redcarpet gems:
gem install redcarpet sinatra
- Run the script:
ruby markdown-tree.rb
- Visit http://localhost:4567 to browse your site!
- markdown-tree.rb : The ruby script to run which serves your site
- config.yaml : 4 option config used by markdown-tree.rb
- template/ : Contains the default template
- template.erb : ERB template pages are built from
- content/ : Contains the hierarchy of markdown files for your Sites
- Default Example Site
- My Personal Notes System (for notes I take in class at Virginia Tech)
- Clean up the default template's CSS
- Add more error handling for reading file
- Inspiration taken from static site generator mksite mksite
- Icons are famfam's silk set