Here are my past web3 projects As you can see here, I have participated in several DeFi, NFT projects on vairous networks like minting, staking, evolution/breeding, raffle/auction, marketplace, launchpad, nft lend/borrow platforms.

- Live:
- Live:
- Frontend repo: pumpdotfun-frontend
- Backend repo: pumpdotfun-backend
- Smart contract repo: pumpdotfun-smart-contract

- Frontend repo: delta-neutral-frontend
- Backend repo: delta-neutral-backend

- Live: Pioneer Legends
- Frontend repo: Pioneer-legends-frontend
- Backend repo: Pioneer-legends-backend
- Whitepaper repo: Pioneer-legends-whitepaper
- Smart contract repo: Pioneer-legends-bank-sc

- Live: Reavers
- Frontend repo: Reavers-frontend
- Backend repo: Reavers-backend

- Live: BvB Goalpost
- Frontend repo: Goalpost-frontend
- Backend repo: Goalpost-backend
- Socket repo: Goalpost-socket
- Contract repo: Goalpost-contract

Gift for pixel artists. Spritebox is a minting platform that pixel artists can send there arts every week and users can mint the seleted great arts among them.
- Live: Spritebox
- Live backend: Spritebox backend
- Frontend repo: Spritebox-frontend
- Backend repo: Spritebox-brontend

Successfully audited backend. Built a site for locking Hoopas and Banana collection for 1 month, 3 months or 6 months.
- Live: The Hoopas
- Staking: The Hoopas Locking
- Contract program repo: Hoopas-lock-contract
- Frontend repo: Hoopas-lock-frontend
This is a Lootbox game for TombStoned
There are 4 coffins in the game. 2 for SOL, 1 for $JOINTS. And the last coffins is a free one that TombStone HighSociety
holders can open once in a day.

I built backend & smart contract as well as supported web3 integration to front-end.
- Live: Coffins - LootBox | TombStoned
- Github repos:
- backend repo: Tombstoned-lootbox-backend
- contract program repo: Tombstoned-lootbox-program
This is a non-custodial staking for Soblins
- a bluechip NFT collection on Solana network.
I wrote smart contract and supported web3 integration to front-end.
- Live: Soblins staking
- Github repos:
- smart contract repo: SoblinsStaking-contract
- frontend repo: SoblinsStaking-frontend
This is a decentralised and multiplayer board-game called Monopoly
on the Solana blockchain.
Users must get $Java
to play and roll the dice. And users can stake/unstake NFTs are called as CnC(Coffe and Crypto).
I attended this project and wrote smart contract and supported on back-end/front-end integration sides.
- Live: Monopoly
- Github repos:
- smart contract repo: monopoly-program
- backend repo: monopoly-backend
- frontend repo: monopoly-frontend
This is one kind of Sol Crash game. 🚕 Instead of that, the transparent is Taxi. 😜.
Degen Taxi proves that the odds are as advertised (5% house edge) and that the rolls are predetermined and cannot react to how players bet. For more detailed information on the concept of 'Provably Fair' you can always check here. This project includes 3 parts, smart contract, back-end, and front-end integration.
- Live: Degen Taxi
- Github repos:
- backend repo: taxi-crash-solana-backend
- smart contract repo: taxi-crash-solana-contract
- frontend repo: degen-taxi-frontend

This is coin-flip game on solana network. Payment is Sol and users can put their amount in this game. If he is winner, he can get twice of given amount, if not, he will lose his amount.
- Live: ATOZ CoinFlip
- Frontend repo: coinflip-frontend
- Smartcontract repo: coinflip-smartcontract