iTerm2 automated configuration. Stop configuring your terminals or setting up your environment.
iterm2magic is a very simple utility that allows you to define your terminal configurations and layout for a specific project and run specific commands in each properly named tabs. t keeps track of terminals and processes it creates and allows you to shut everything down gracefully or forcefully.
Be in control of your setup, trust it, forget about it and focus on your tasks.
Usage: iterm2magic [OPTIONS] COMMAND
iTerm2 automated configuration
start Start commands in named tabs or named configuration
stop Stop commands and close opened tabs / windows
help display this page
$ t start "docker-compose up@docker" "cd front;yarn start@front" "cd back;yarn start@back"
Will create a new iTerm window with 3 tabs:
- The first tab will be named docker and will run docker-compose up
- The second tab will be named front and will go to the front subdirectory and run yarn start
- The third tab will be named back and will go to the back subdirectory and run yarn start
Simply click on the icon above to let me know you like it. Takes less than a minute.
This is simple and keeps me motivated to make improvements
iterm2magic relies on the iterm2 python package
iterm2 relies on iTerm 3.3.10 or higher
iTerm python scripting API must be enabled
Follow the tutorial here that will guide you to enable it
t can be installed with pip:
$ pip install iterm2magic
Alternatively, you can grab the latest source code from GitHub:
$ git clone git://
$ cd iterm2magic
$ python install
iterm2magic has usage and reference documentation at
Say Thanks! This is simple and keeps me motivated to make improvements
iterm2magic happily accepts contributions. Please see our contributing documentation for some tips on getting started.
To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact.
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure with maintainers.
- @michakfromparis (Michel Courtine)
Infinite thanks to George Nachman (@gnachman) for brewing OSX's favorite terminal for so many years and opening the scripting API to python after years of solid AppleScripting (not sure solid was the right word).