IMPORTANT: This is a proof of concept prototype and shouldn't be used in production
For fast development of DApps a package management is needed. Spore is a Proof of Concept prototype for a such package manager build on top of truffle, ethereum and ipfs.
Any form on Feedback and contribution is highly wellcome.
- Installation
- Usage
- Workflow
- Beginner Turorial
- API documentation
- Development - Installation
- Test
- How it works
- Next steps
Make sure you have node v4+ installed:
$ node --version
Install Spore:
npm i -g eth-spore
On your first run spore will guide you trough a eth-rpc and ipfs configuration.
Currently it is optimized for truffle, you may want to install truffle as well:
npm -g i truffle
For full decentral usage:
- install ipfs.
- install ethereum rpc node
$ spore --help
Simple package management for Ethereum
spore init
spore upgrade
spore publish
spore add <path>
spore link
spore info [<package>]
spore install [<package>]
spore clone <package>
spore uninstall <package>
spore remote list
spore remote select <name>
spore remote add <name>
spore remote remove <name>
spore update
spore search <string>
spore instance add <package> <address> [--contract <contract>]
spore instance list <package>
<package> Package name or hash
<path> path to file/ directory
<name> rpc settings name
-v, --version Shows the version of spore
-h, --help Shows this help screen
--verbose Shows interlal logs
(Decentral version on IPFS will follow shortly)
Create a new project:
mkdir mypackage
cd mypackage
truffle init
spore init
this will create a spore.json in your root project directory:
"name": "mypackage",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "description",
"dependencies": {},
"contracts": [],
"ignore": [],
"files": [],
"tags": []
install a dependency:
spore install mortal
import dependency to your contract: contracts/mcontract.sol
import "mortal";
contract mycontract is mortal {
link the dependencies:
spore link
add some files:
spore add contracts/mycontract.sol
spore add
publish the package:
spore publish
Now you can install the package mypackage
along with it's dependencies in another project via:
spore install mypackage
How to write a coin tutorial with truffle and spore
Read the Full API Documentation here.
This will guide you trough a local development installation. The contract is not deployed on a global chain, yet.
Make sure you have node v4+ installed:
$ node --version
Make sure you have solidity installed:
$ solc --version
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.1.1-ed7a8a35/Release-Darwin/clang/JIT
Install eth-testrpc for testing/ dev purposes.
pip install eth-testrpc
Install truffle.
npm install -g truffle
Install ipfs.
clone this repo:
git clone
cd spore
npm install
npm link
Run your rpc client( In this case testrpc testrpc
Deploy the spore ethereum contract with: truffle deploy
Run a local chain:
Deploy the contract:
truffle deploy
Run the test:
mocha test
This Ethereum contract has a name => ipfs-hash
mapping and some functionallity to access and manipulate it.
The ipfs-hash is pointing to a package-header which specified by this json schema.
An example header for spore
"name": "spore",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Simple package manager for dapp development.",
"dependencies": {},
"contracts": [
"ignore": [],
"files": [
"tags": [
"package manager"
The dependencies property contains packages with their ipfs header file. The root property points to a ipfs directory node which contains the package files.
- filling spore with content
- integrate a light-wallet into it, so that the user don't need to run a full node to publish packages.
- extend it to other dev-tools and testing-frameworks like populus or embark
- add a ( decentral ) plugin system with pre publish and post publish hooks. Use cases could be:
- different proposals (pull request) for one package
- ownership based change voting
- oracle filter which only allows a new version of a package, if all tests succeeded