Test automation framework repo to execute described tests against mento-web and other possible projects
Here you can find more detailed overview of test automation
- Execute
npm install
. - Fill the
variables. - Specify the
variable (ensure you re-built synpress cache when changing a chain by this flag!). - Execute
npm run build-synpress-cache
Variable | Example | Description |
*ENV | prod |
required env, default prod |
*SPECS_TYPE | web |
required specs type to run. Can be: all or web or api |
SPEC_NAMES | wallet,slippage |
specs names separated by comma which will be executed locally, if no or disabled will execute all specs, disabled by default |
retries N times if test fails, disabled by default |
*SEED_PHRASE | 'seed phrase' |
required seed phrase for connection of metamask wallet |
*WALLET_PASSWORD | 'password' |
required password for connection of metamask wallet |
*IS_MAINNET | 'true' |
required flag to specify chain for test running |
TEST_RUN_TIMEOUT | 120_000 |
custom test run timeout, disabled by default |
TEST_TIMEOUT | 120_000 |
custom test timeout, disabled by default |
desired log level, disabled by default. Can be: ALL, TRACE, INFO, DEBUG |
desired option to generate testomat test run report or not. Can be: true or false |
TESTOMATIO_TITLE | your own title |
desired testomat test run report title to run locally. |
*TESTOMAT_API_KEY | api key |
testomat api key to run locally. Can be taken from GH actions secrets or lastPass note |
- headed - with opening browser (command can be shortened to
npm t
npm run test
- ui - with opening browser in specified app with all devtools, traces, and other playwright features
npm run test:ui
- debug - with opening browser and specified debug app to pause/resume test
npm run test:debug
- headless - without opening browser and other playwright features
npm run test:headless
- Navigate to the CI
- Select the "Specific Test Run" workflow
- Click on the "Run workflow" drop-down
- Select a branch, write a spec name/s, and select specs type