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Pass Terraform Provider

Terraform Registry Version Go Report Card By mecodia

This provider adds integration between Terraform, Pass and Gopass password stores.

It was forked from camptocamp/terraform-provider-pass.

Pass is a password store using gpg to encrypt password and git to version. Gopass is a rewrite of the pass password manager in Go with the aim of making it cross-platform and adding additional features.


Building The Provider

Download the provider source code

$ go get

Enter the provider directory and build the provider

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ dep ensure
$ make build

Installing the provider

With Terraform 0.14 you'll load it straight from the registry.

For development and testing purposes you can do this (adjust for your os/arch):

mkdir -p $(HOME)/.terraform.d/plugins/local/mecodia/pass/3.0/darwin_arm64/
cp ./bin/$(BINARY)_*_darwin_arm64 $(HOME)/.terraform.d/plugins/local/mecodia/pass/3.0/darwin_arm64/$(BINARY)

And you can then reverence it as local/mecodia/pass in your providers block.


terraform {
   required_providers {
     pass = {
       source = "mecodia/pass"

resource "pass_password" "test" {
  path = "secret/foo"
  password = "0123456789"
  data = {
    zip = "zap"

data "pass_password" "test" {
  path = "${pass_password.test.path}"


The pass provider

Argument Reference

The provider takes no arguments.

The pass_password resource

Argument Reference

The resource takes the following arguments:

  • path - Full path from which a password will be read
  • password - Secret password
  • data - (Optional) Additional secret data (keys and values, not nested)
  • yaml - (Optional) YAML document, can't be set together with data

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • path - Full path from which the password was read
  • password - Secret password
  • data - Additional secret data
  • body - Raw secret data, only filled if not stored as YAML
  • full - Entire raw secret contents

The pass_password data source

Argument Reference

The data source takes the following arguments:

  • path - Full path from which a password will be read

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • path - Full path from which the password was read
  • password - Secret password
  • data - Additional secret data
  • body - Raw secret data, only filled if not stored as YAML
  • full - Entire raw secret contents

Developing the Provider

If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.17+ is required). You'll also need to correctly set up a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.

To compile the provider, run make build. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ make bin
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-$PROVIDER_NAME

In order to test the provider, you can simply run make test.

$ make test

In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc.

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.

$ make testacc

Publishing the provider

Github release

summon goreleaser release --rm-dist


  • Go 84.2%
  • Makefile 13.1%
  • Shell 2.7%