These are small Git extension scripts I keep in ~/bin/
and have on my path. Some could be in ~/.gitconfig section [alias]
- git br
git branch <args>
, or list branches - git ci
git commit <args>
- git ci^
git commit --amend -CHEAD <args>
Also works with
flag to edit the message. - git co
git checkout <args>
- git ff
git merge --ff-only <args>
- git g
git gui &
- git k
gitk --all HEAD &
- git gk [ <workdir> ]
git g; git k
, optionally preceded bycd <workdir>
. This is the main tool I use when starting work in a project. - git iec
Create standard "initial empty commit". This is the first thing I run after
git init foo; cd foo
. - git s
git status (...color...) --ignored --short --branch -u <args>
- git st
git status <args>
- git-P
git --no-pager <args>
- git commit-retro
Commit, making (Author, AuthorDate) from file stat. Requires some config to deal with other users.
- git ireb
git rebase -i --autosquash
...of whatever is not pushed - git log1
Details of last commit.
- git logG
Textual graph of commits.
- git rebase-topswap
usinggit rebase -i
. - git rhH
- git rhH ^
git reset --hard HEAD
,git reset --hard HEAD^
Scary command! Only installs with
./ -yS ...
- git up
git pull --rebase <args>
For those who use the linearised history, first-push-wins model.
- git ll-cpanm, git ll-init
Install CPAN (Perl5) libraries, into a local::lib directory under Git control.
- git compilation-annotate
# "show me what's wrong with code written in the last 30 days" perlcritic --quiet --nocolour --verbose "%f:%l:%c:%m\t[%s] %p\n" \ modules t/modules | git-compilation-annotate -n 30
- git enumerate-commits
List all commits in the repository, e.g.
git-enumerate-repos | git for-each-repo git enumerate-commits > ci-dump
- git enumerate-repos
Search a directory tree for bare or checkout Git repositories.
Optionally, fingerprint the commit tree to work out what the repository is without relying on the directory name.
- git for-each-repo
Run a command in each of the enumerated repositories.
- git gc-du
git gc(1) gated by du(1) of non-packed objects, for auto-cleanup.
- git head
What's the current branch name, or HEAD commitid?
- git qcommit
Commit noisily, or keep quiet if nothing to commit
- git qpull
Pull noisily, or keep quiet if nothing is new
- git rehash
For when SHA1 isn't strong enough.
See also .
- git which-me
Which of my many email addresses am I using here?
Some tools looked like a good idea, or solved part of some transient problem, or might be useful when completed.
The current plan is to "install" them via symlinks, ln -snvf ../../../gitwk-github/scripts/bin/{git-rebase-topswap,pidfzap} ~/bin/
You must put that ~/bin
on $PATH
Running the supplied script with
./install -y ~/bin
will do this for you, in the way I currently prefer.
Some scripts are too destructive to leave lying around on your PATH if you don't know the name. These may be installed, as a separate set, with
./install -yS ~/bin
For "installation" of multiple scripts from some source repositories, I prefer to symlink a parent directory and then symlink various scripts through that, so
,git-yacontrib -> $HOME/gitwk-ext/git-yacontrib/bin
git-k -> ,git-yacontrib/git-k
git-st -> ,git-yacontrib/git-st
so it's obvious which remaining files (presumably saved straight from editor to ~/bin) ought to be put in version control.
The set of files installed is defined by install*.txt.
They are only maintained to the extent that I'm still using them. You're welcome to fork on Github or by other means, and I would aim to merge contributions as time allows.
Something to generate a commit which could usefully be included in a backup, to record more about the repo state, referencing some or all of
all stashes in the reflog
Note that stashes recorded in the reflog are not expired, since v1.5.6.6 but they aren't going to leave the local repository by an ordinary push or fetch.
other extant commitids from reflogs
This would allow recovery of not-yet-garbage-collected commits, from commitid-based repository backups. Possibly neat, but unlikely to be useful?
comment or extra file containing the reflog and head stash ref
some of .git/config and related files?
Untracked files. Call it a tristash (staged, unstaged, untracked)
Use another index? Define size limits?
Ignored files? What about files to exclude for security reasons?
a tar of some .git/ internals
logs/ hooks/ config info/exclude info/grafts COMMIT_EDITMSG GITGUI_BCK description objects/info/alternates git-svn state gitweb config hardlink counts & inode info for packfiles In combination with related matching backups could be used to reconstruct the hardlinked arrangement. If you were desperate.
Many of these are things you wouldn't want to just restore.
It will look like a huge merge (but isn't).
Related possibly useful things,
operations to reverse these back into reflog & stash, or extract any one to become the current stash
something that makes this tree clearly not part of the project.
Empty, except for a shell script to help with the restoration?
git stashbranch
git stash-branch
git backup-stashes
git _backup-stashes # we may assume it is called from cron, so avoid eating namespace?
(Have already implemented part of this as a tool inside my reminders textfile repo.)
commit (staged, changed, autosaved) files
at both ends
then (pull --rebase; push; remote ff) or similar
Configurable for rebase vs. merge, to allow for more than a pair of repos.
"with a git stash, do"
#! /bin/sh
set -e
set -x
git stash save "with stash: $@"
git stash pop
# This would seem to need some extra safeguards,
# if nothing to stash, just do command; else we pop an older stash!
Hook chaining seems (to my searches of 2016-05) to have standardised on|.git/hooks/hook-chain as a lightweight mechanism to run multiple Git hooks in a repository, often copied from .
On installing hooks easily (but not completely automatically for security reasons), projects still seem to roll their own.
Git::Hooks exists as a heavier and more Perl-centric mechanism. That doesn't appeal to me just now - I see @ARGV, stdio, $?
as a higher standard than any one language. is going in this direction, but still a placeholder (like this here) so far.
What would be useful?
Starting from based on
Install the hooks into a clone or bare repo.
From that project or another repository; copying the hooks as they might be audited now, or trusting pulls from the unknown future, or supplying a mechanism to check for updates and notify; recording the source branch and commitid where appropriate.
Install similarly chosen configuration items to .git/config
This carries equivalent security risk to installing hooks. Let's keep them together for the potential convenience and shared headspace.
Standard naming for sub-hooks.
The naming scheme .git/hooks/pre-commit-001-check-my-style is clear and functional so I would use that.
Matching configuration naming for sub-hooks.
Naming to allow subhooks to be given to the hook-chain by something like
git config hook-config.pre-commit-001-check-my-style laconic
can supply data to that script.git-config virtual sub-hooks?
Where the subhook is implemented as a git-foo subcommand, there is no need to make a symlink to a shell script which calls that command.
git config subhook.pre-push-001-pushban "git _pushban --verbose"
can be equivalent to
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nexec git _pushban --verbose" > .git/hooks/pre-push-001-pushban chmod a+x .git/hooks/pre-push-001-pushban
if the hook-chain script will honour that.
- Github tools
- App::GitHubPullRequest
I have written them in the course of my work for and for personal use.
The project "mcast/git-yacontrib" is released under GPLv2 or later, per local policy.
(I realise this is far to vague to form a reliable declaration of "release under GPLv2" except where explicit but marking for release takes time, and it's probably better to make the thing visible and wait for someone to ask for clarification.)