Archive of the antipixel
/ 80x15 web badges
/ 80x15 brilliant button
Antipixel is a website badge, very often placed in the footer, used to inform users on technologies that website uses, standards that website complies with, a license under which content is published on etc.
According to Polish Wikipedia1, Antipixel was invented by Jeremy Hedley, who ran a blog under the same name2.
Article called "Steal These Buttons" posted on 22 Oct 2002 by Jeremy Hedley
Recomended badge proportions from
Font used in most antipixel graphics:
Silkscreen by Jason Kottke under custom license
- Adam Kalsey's Button Maker -
- Samuele Santi's Python-powered Antipixel generation library (APyX) -
- Fork of APyX working under Python 3 -
- RedKid's Button Generator (BROKEN!) -
- Luca Zappa's 80x15 Brilliant Button Maker (DOWN!) -
- zwahlendesign's Web Badges Article
- - 3961 graphics
- Antipixel Buttons by Príomh Ó hÚigínn - 208 assorted, 805 brands, 8 firefox, 72 twitter graphics (total 1093)
- taylor mcKnight's buttons - 4022 graphics
Feel free to add new badges, new Links etc. using Pull Request, or by opening an issue.
Content created by @mbledkowski and uploaded to this repo is licensed under CC0 1.0. Other content added to this archive is owned by its original creators.