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Active Record like wrapper for Google App Engine Datasource in Go


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Active Record for the Google App Engine Datastore

Gaerecords is a lightweight wrapper around appengine/datastore, providing Active Record and DBO style management of data.

Project objectives

  • Simple for beginners: Make it easy to start using the datastore for beginners
  • Familiar: Make using the datastore feel the same as in other OO languages
  • Full control: Does not get in the way (i.e. can always get at the underlying queries) allowing advanced users to make the most of both worlds
  • Focus: Solve only the common datastore problems and not try to reinvent the wheel
  • Performance: Must be comparable to using the datastore APIs directly with little or no extra overhead
  • Quota aware: Must not abuse the datastore, being totally aware of the cost of storing and interacting with data

Project status

  • Ready to use - scroll down for examples, and instructions of how to get started

Usage examples

Creating records

// create a new model for 'People'
People := gaerecords.NewModel("People")

// create a new person
mat := People.New()
 SetString("name", "Mat").
 SetInt64("age", 28).

Changing records

// change some fields and Put it
person.SetInt64("age", 29).Put()

Deleting records

// delete mat

// delete user with ID 2

Finding records

// load person with ID 1
person, _ := People.Find(1)

// load all People
peeps, _ := People.FindAll()

Counting records

// get the total number of people
total, _ := People.Count()

// get the total number of male people
totalMen, _ := People.Count(func(q *datastore.Query){
  q.Filter("IsMale=", true)

Finding records by querying

// find the first three People by passing a func(*datastore.Query)
// to the FindByQuery method
firstThree, _ := People.FindByQuery(func(q *datastore.Query){

// build your own query and use that
var ageQuery *datastore.Query = People.NewQuery().

// use FindByQuery with a query object
oldestThreePeople, _ := People.FindByQuery(ageQuery)

// find all people that are 'active'
activePeople, _ := People.FindByFilter("Active=", true)

Using other records as fields

// create a model for People
People := gaerecords.NewModel("People")

// create a model for relationships
Relationships := gaerecords.NewModel("Relationships")

// create mat
mat := People.New()
mat.SetString("name", "Mat")

// create laurie
laurie := People.New()
laurie.SetString("name", "Laurie")

// now create a relationship
matAndLaurieRel := Relationships.New()
matAndLaurieRel.SetRecordField("wife", laurie)
matAndLaurieRel.SetRecordField("husband", mat)

// load a relationship
rel := Relationships.Find(1)

// get the people
husband := rel.GetRecordField("husband")
wife := rel.GetRecordField("wife")

Working with pages of records

// get three pages of people with 10 records on each page
peoplePageOne, _ := People.FindByPage(1, 10)
peoplePageTwo, _ := People.FindByPage(2, 10)
peoplePageThree, _ := People.FindByPage(3, 10)

// get the number of pages if we have 10 records per page
totalPages = People.LoadPagingInfo(10, 1).TotalPages

// get the details for page 2 (with 10 records per page)
pagingInfo := People.LoadPagingInfo(10, 2)

// is there a page 3?
if pagingInfo.HasNextPage {
  // yes
} else {
  // no

Binding to model events

// using events, make sure 'People' records always get
// an 'updatedAt' value set before being put (created and updated)
People.BeforePut.On(func(c *gaerecords.EventContext){
  person := c.Args[0].(*Record)
  person.SetTime("updatedAt", datastore.SecondsToTime(time.Seconds()))

Getting keys only from a query

// create a new query of People
query := People.NewQuery()

// tune the query

// get the keys
keys, _ := query.KeysOnly().GetAll(m.AppEngineContext(), nil)


gaerecords provides two main types that represent the different data for your project. A Model describes a type of data, and a Record is a single entity or instance of that type. In a traditional relational database world, think of a Model as a table, and a Record as a row in that table.

Creating models is as easy as calling the gaerecords.NewModel method.

For example, a typical blogging application might define these models:

Authors := gaerecords.NewModel("Author")
Posts := gaerecords.NewModel("Post")
Comments := gaerecords.NewModel("Comment")

And to create a new blog post is as simple as:

newPost := Posts.New()
newPost.SetString("title", "My Blog Post").
        SetString("body", "My blog text goes here...")
// save it

Model's also support events for when interesting things happen to records, and you can bind to these by providing an additional initializer func(*Model) to the NewModel method.

People := gaerecords.NewModel("people", func(model *gaerecords.Model){
  // bind to the BeforePut event
  model.BeforePut.On(func(e *gaerecords.EventContext){
    // do something before records are saved


Model objects allow you to perform operations on sets of data, such as create a new record, find records etc.


Record objects allow to you perform operations on a specific entity, such as set fields, save changes, delete it.


The Event type (and its EventContext younger brother) allows you to bind your own callbacks to the lifecycle of records. For example, before or after a Record gets Put (saved), or after a Record has been deleted.

The Model has the events, but actions to records can cause the callbacks to get run.


The PagingInfo object contains paging information about groups of records and is obtained by calling the Model.LoadPagingInfo method. The fields can then be used in code (or in a template) to provide paging controls for data.

The Model.FindByPage method can then be used to load pages of data at a time.

The fields provided by PagingInfo are:

// TotalPages represents the total number of pages
TotalPages int

// TotalRecords represents the total number of records
TotalRecords int

// RecordsPerPage represents the number of records per page
RecordsPerPage int

// CurrentPage represents the current page number
CurrentPage int

// HasPreviousPage gets whether there are any pages before the CurrentPage
HasPreviousPage bool

// HasNextPage gets whether there are any pages after the CurrentPage
HasNextPage bool

// FirstPage gets the page number of the first page (always 1)
FirstPage int

// LastPage gets the page number of the last page
LastPage int

// RecordsOnLastPage gets the number of records on the last page
RecordsOnLastPage int


git clone git://
cd gae-records/gaerecords
gomake install


Testing gaerecords


To properly test the datastore, is required.

Testing your own code that uses gaerecords

The library allows you to test code that relies on Google App Engine.

Follow these recommended patterns and practices:

  1. Have a test file with an 'early' name (i.e. 0_setup_test.go - to ensure the tests get run before others) that setup the expected state of your datastore. appenginetesting does persist entities across different runs, so be sure to delete any that you plan to create or at least be aware of this when writing tests.
  2. In the setup file, create a test App Engine context that you can reuse for your entire test suite. See our test setup file for an example of how a test App Engine context is created.
  3. Don't assume that the IDs will be consistent. It is best practice to discover the ID of a newly created record if you plan to refer to that record later, instead of assuming it will have an ID of 1.
  4. Remember to Close() your appenginetesting context as per the documentation, otherwise you'll end up with lots of Python processes running in Terminal. It is a good idea to do this in a 'late' test file (i.e. z_cleanup_test.go). See our clean-up file for an example (maybe even take that file wholesale?)


This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


We are always keen on getting new people involved on our projects, if you have any ideas, issues or feature requests please get involved.


Please log defects and feature requests using the issue tracker on github.


The following items are being considered for future effort (please get in touch if you have a view on these items, or would like other features including)

  • Parent and child records (mirroring Parent and child keys in datastore) (see the "sub-records" branch)
  • Strongly typed records
  • A series of Quick* methods that ignore errors (i.e. QuickFind would return nil if no record could be found) and return only the objects being interacted with (i.e. no err arguments) for a simpler interface


gaerecords was written by Mat Ryer, follow me on Twitter


Active Record like wrapper for Google App Engine Datasource in Go







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