Smart contracts that powers the PoS (proof-of-stake) based bridge mechanism for Matic Network.
Install package from NPM using
npm i @maticnetwork/pos-portal
Make sure you've NodeJS & NPM installed
node --version
npm --version
Clone repository & install all dependencies
git clone
cd pos-portal
npm i
Compile all contracts
npm run template:process
npm run build
If you prefer not using docker for compiling contracts, consider setting docker: false
in truffle-config.js.
// file: truffle-config.js
127| solc: {
128| version: '0.6.6',
129| docker: false,
For deploying all contracts in pos-portal
, we need to have at least two chains running --- simulating RootChain ( Ethereum ) & ChildChain ( Polygon ). There are various ways of building this multichain setup, though two of them are majorly used
- With
- Without
is a project, which makes setting up all components of Ethereum <-> Polygon multichain ecosystem easier. Three components matic-cli sets up for you
- Ganache ( simulating RootChain )
- Heimdall ( validator node of Polygon )
- Bor ( block production layer of Polygon i.e. ChildChain )
You may want to check matic-cli.
Assuming you've installed matic-cli
& set up single node local network by following this guide, it's good time to start all components seperately as mentioned in matic-cli
This should give you RPC listen addresses for both RootChain ( read Ganache ) & ChildChain ( read Bor ), which need to updated in pos-portal/truffle-config.js
. Also note Mnemonic you used when setting up local network, we'll make use of it for migrating pos-portal contracts.
generates ~/localnet/config/contractAddresses.json
, given you decided to put network setup in ~/localnet
directory, which contains deployed Plasma contract addresses. We're primarily interested in Plasma RootChain ( deployed on RootChain, as name suggests aka Checkpoint contract ) & StateReceiver contract ( deployed on Bor ). These two contract addresses need to be updated here.
You may not need to change
field, because that's where Bor deploys respective contract, by default.
Plasma RootChain contract address is required for setting checkpoint manager in PoS RootChainManager contract during migration. PoS RootChainManager will talk to Checkpointer contract for verifying PoS exit proof.
// file: migrations/config.js
module.exports = {
plasmaRootChain: '0x<fill-it-up>', // aka checkpointer
stateReceiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001'
Now you can update preferred mnemonic to be used for migration in truffle config
// file: truffle-config.js
29| const MNEMONIC = process.env.MNEMONIC || '<preferred-mnemonic>'
Also consider updating network configurations for root
& child
in truffle-config.js
// make sure host:port of RPC matches properly
// that's where all following transactions to be sent
52| root: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 9545,
network_id: '*', // match any network
skipDryRun: true,
gas: 7000000,
gasPrice: '0'
child: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8545,
network_id: '*', // match any network
skipDryRun: true,
gas: 7000000,
gasPrice: '0'
67| },
Now start migration, which is 4-step operation
Migration Step | Effect |
migrate:2 |
Deploys all rootchain contracts, on Ganache |
migrate:3 |
Deploys all childchain contracts, on Bor |
migrate:4 |
Initialises rootchain contracts, on Ganache |
migrate:5 |
Initialises childchain contracts, on Bor |
# assuming you're in root of pos-portal
npm run migrate # runs all steps
You've deployed all contracts required for pos-portal to work properly. All these addresses are put into ./contractAddresses.json
, which you can make use of for interacting with them.
If you get into any problem during deployment, it's good idea to take a look at
--- and attempt to modify fields need to be modified.
Migration files are kept here
You can always independently start a Ganache instance to act as RootChain & Bor node as ChildChain, without using matic-cli
. But in this case no Heimdall nodes will be there --- depriving you of StateSync/ Checkpointing etc. where validator nodes are required.
Start RootChain by
npm run testrpc # RPC on localhost:9545 --- default
Now start ChildChain ( requires docker )
npm run bor # RPC on localhost:8545 --- default
If you ran a bor instance before, a dead docker container might still be lying around, clean it using following command:
npm run bor:clean # optional
Run testcases
npm run test
Deploy contracts on local Ganache & Bor instance
npm run migrate
This should generate ./contractAddresses.json
, which contains all deployed contract addresses --- use it for interacting with those.
Use this guide for deploying contracts in Ethereum Mainnet.
- Moonwalker needs rabbitmq and local geth running
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
npm run testrpc
- Export env vars
export MNEMONIC=
export FROM=
export GAS_PRICE=
- Compile contracts
npm run template:process -- --root-chain-id $ROOT_CHAIN_ID --child-chain-id $CHILD_CHAIN_ID
npm run build
- Add root chain contract deployments to queue
npm run truffle exec moonwalker-migrations/queue-root-deployment.js
- Process queue (rerun if interrupted)
node moonwalker-migrations/process-queue.js
- Extract contract addresses from moonwalker output
node moonwalker-migrations/extract-addresses.js
- Deploy child chain contracts
npm run truffle -- migrate --network mainnetChild --f 3 --to 3
- Add root chain initializations to queue
node moonwalker-migrations/queue-root-initializations.js
- Process queue (rerun if interrupted)
node moonwalker-migrations/process-queue.js
- Initialize child chain contracts
npm run truffle -- migrate --network mainnetChild --f 5 --to 5
- Register State Sync
- Register RootChainManager and ChildChainManager on StateSender
- Set stateSenderAddress on RootChainManager
- Grant STATE_SYNCER_ROLE on ChildChainManager
npm run truffle exec scripts/update-implementation.js -- --network <network-name> <new-address>
Set list of contract addresses and new owner address in 6_change_owners.js
migration script
as env variables
npm run change-owners -- --network <network-name>