1- To download HipContacts source code as a zip here: https://github.com/marcuss/hipcontacts/archive/master.zip
2- To RUN HipContacts after download and using maven, execute the command mvn spring-boot:run
3- Currently a copy of this app is running in a herouku container available at: https://hipcontacts.herokuapp.com/ (it takes a couples of minutes loading since the iddle cloudlets hibernate)
About the fulfillment the following requirements
- The back end server is running on Java platform
- The system allows user to view contact list
- The system allows user to add new contact or edit existing contact details
- The system allows user to remove contacts
- The contact list is stored in a in memory H2 SQL database
- Front-end and back end exchange data with Ajax
- There are enough Integration tests to check if the system is OK
- Since most of the classes are autogenerated with Yeoman, only some tests with @author marcus.sanchez are real unit tests right now, all the others can fall into the Integration test category.
- The client side application is an SPA (single page application) using front-end libraries AngularJS. As Bonus
- There is user management, permissions and authentication
- There are security controls in the system and some examples of secure coding practice can be show
- The URL design is restful
- There is validation logic on both front end and back end
- There is NOT a command line console for an admin user but a FULL WEB one, embedded in the system, just use the admin/admin credentials.
- The project can be built from console command, with the command: mvn spring-boot:run