You can find a copy of this repository at
All the formulas are in DIMACS format.
Simple Python implementation of a WalkSAT Solver using the data structures proposed by Shaowei Cai.
$ python src/ <formula_to_solve>
CNF formula generator.
$ python src/ <num_vars> <num_clauses> <clauses_length> [<seed>] [ > file ]
Graph coloring problem generator.
$ python src/ <num-nodes> <edge-prob> <num-colors> <solver-name> [<random-seed>]
Output image saved as out.png
. Original CNF saved as input.cnf
and satisfiabilty of this CNF saved as output.cnf
- networkx library
$ python src/ 10 0.3 5 src/ [<random-seed>]
*The script will not finish if the formula of the graph generated is unsatisfiable if you use a local search solver
Validator for SATISFIABLE formulas.
$ python src/ <formula> <solution>
- Shaowei Cai, Faster Implementation for WalkSAT (2013).