The following will describe the procedures to be able to construct, compile and build project with edited sources scripts on Windows.
Download link :
Reference it to Path
environment variable of system as following :
Download link :
Reference it to Path
environment variable of system as following :
Download link :
Reference it to Path
environment variable of system as following :
Add mingw folder of the following link to C:...\opencv\build\x64\mingw\build\x64 (next to vc14 and vc15 builders) :
You may need to reboot your computer after CMake installation to make it work.
g++ --version
cmake --version
The commands below must be executed in the project's sources
- Construct project
cmake . -G "MinGW Makefiles"
- Build (compile)
- Execute
Note : You cannot construct project structure over a different CMakeCache.txt, remove it first
load <image_path> as <image_variable>
Example : load image.png as img1
load_mask <image_path> as <image_variable>
Example : load_mask mask.png as mask1
save <image_variable> as <image_path>
Example : save img1 as result
reset <image_variable>
Example : reset img1
brightness <image_variable> <value>
Example : brightness img1 40
contrast <image_variable> <value>
Example : contrast img1 40
saturate <image_variable> <value>
Example : saturate img1 40
threshold <image_variable> <value>
Example : threshold img1 180
invert <image_variable>
Example : invert img1
horizontal_flip <image_variable>
Example : horizontal_flip img1
vertical_flip <image_variable>
Example : vertical_flip img1
rotate_90 <image_variable>
Example : rotate_90 img1
rotate <image_variable> <angle> <center_x> <center_y>
Example : rotate img1 45 0 0
crop <image_variable> <top> <left> <bottom> <right>
Example : crop img1 100 100 200 200
translate <image_variable> <x> <y>
Example : translate img1 40 40
resize <image_variable> <width> <height>
Example : resize img1 200 200
blur <image_variable> <radius>
Example : blur img1 5
erode <image_variable> <radius>
Example : erode img1 5
dilate <image_variable> <radius>
Example : dilate img1 5
add <image_variable1> <image_variable2>
Example : add img1 img2
diff <image_variable1> <image_variable2>
Example : diff img1 img2
product <image_variable1> <image_variable2>
Example : product img1 img2
screen <image_variable1> <image_variable2>
Example : screen img1 img2
overlay <image_variable1> <image_variable2>
Example : overlay img1 img2
binary_merge <image_variable1> <image_variable2> <mask_variable>
Example : binary_merge img1 img2 mask1
weighted_merge <image_variable1> <image_variable2> <mask_variable>
Example : weighted_merge img1 img2 mask1
load images/antoine-griezmann.png as img1
load images/cat-cry.jpg as img2
load images/harry-potter-akimbo.png as img3
load images/uganda-army.png as img4
load_mask images/mask.png as mask1
load_mask images/mask2.png as mask2
brightness img1 40
save img1 as images/result1.png
brightness img2 -100
invert img2
reset img2
contrast img1 100
saturate img1 -100
horizontal_flip img1
vertical_flip img2
rotate_90 img1
//crop img4 50 300 350 650
invert img2
add img1 img2
//diff img4 img3
product img4 img3
translate img2 100 50
resize img3 200 200
blur img3 5
erode img3 5
dilate img2 5
save img2 as images/result2.png
reset img1
reset img2
screen img2 img1
overlay img1 img2
reset img1
reset img2
binary_merge img3 img2 mask1
brightness mask2 80
weighted_merge img2 img1 mask2
resize img2 200 200
rotate img2 45 100 100
threshold img2 180
Note 1 : // can be used to comments lines but they should be place at the 2 first characters of the line
Note 2 : Line jumps are allowed