Repository with documents and code about challenge in the Nasa Challenge
Global Nominee:
"Congratulations to our Global Nominees! These projects were selected by Local Event and Universal Event judges for Global Judging." spaceappschallenge citation.
Project name: PROJECT NAMAZU HIGH-LEVEL SUMMARY Astronomy is a subject that even today lacks tools to share knowledge with the public of all ages and backgrounds. With the aim of unraveling some of these mysteries in a playful and visual way, we have created a tool that helps us abstract complex concepts. It also helps us understand a bit more about the dynamics of the Apollo missions and the collection of seismic data by Apollo PSE seismographs. The project is a 3D model of the moon that can be used dynamically, where a timeline shows from the first landing in 1969 to 1977. Another approach would be to show all points at once, conveying the idea of scale ( impact ) and location of each seismic event, both shallow and deep. Operation of the system: Yellow bars: Display earthquakes and their magnitudes. There is an option that shows only the magnitude and another that shows only the depth. White bars: Display earthquake events and the depth at which they occurred.
Astronomy is a subject that even today lacks tools to share knowledge with the public of all ages and backgrounds. With the aim of unraveling some of these mysteries in a playful and visual way, we have created a tool that helps us abstract complex concepts. It also helps us understand a bit more about the dynamics of the Apollo missions and the collection of seismic data by Apollo PSE seismographs. The project is a 3D model of the moon that can be used dynamically, where a timeline shows from the first landing in 1969 to 1977. Another approach would be to show all points at once, conveying the idea of scale ( impact ) and location of each seismic event, both shallow and deep. Operation of the system: Yellow bars: Display earthquakes and their magnitudes. There is an option that shows only the magnitude and another that shows only the depth. White bars: Display earthquake events and the depth at which they occurred.
Unlocking Lunar Secrets: The Moon has captivated human imagination for centuries, but it is only in recent decades that we have begun to delve into its scientific intricacies. The seismic instruments left by Apollo astronauts provide a unique opportunity to study moonquakes, shedding light on the internal structure of the Moon and the tectonic activity of our satellite. By creating an app that visualizes this seismic data in a comprehensive and user-friendly manner, we open doors for both scientists and the general public to explore and comprehend the dynamic nature of our lunar companion.
Public Engagement and Education: "Namazu" is not merely a scientific pursuit but a powerful tool for public engagement and education. In an era where scientific tools for the general public are increasingly crucial, this app has the potential to inspire a new generation of space enthusiasts. By presenting complex seismic data in an interactive format, the app makes lunar geophysics accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. It transforms abstract scientific concepts into a visually compelling experience, fostering curiosity and a deeper connection with the cosmos.
ALSEP - Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package.
EASEP - Early Apollo Surface Experiments Package
-Pasta com as análises de cada dado de impacto coletado pelos equipemantos deixados pelas Apollos na lua. -Folder with the analysis of each impact data collected by the equipment left by the Apollos on the moon.
app_modelo3d_lua_abalos_sistemicos: -Pasta com o App com o modelo em 3d da lua e os impactos sendo exibidos com barras de acordo com a magnitute ou profundidade. Além do pouso das Naves das missões Apollos. -App with a 3D model of the moon and impacts displayed with bars according to magnitute or depth. In addition to the landing of the Apollo mission ships.
Make a Moonquake Map 2.0!
Create a Moonshake 2.0 Map! (Intermediate, Advanced Level) When they explored the Moon, NASA's Apollo astronauts left behind several instruments to collect geophysical data near each Apollo landing site. Their challenge is to develop an app for the public that maps the seismic data transmitted by these instruments back to Earth on an interactive 3D digital lunar globe.
Crie um mapa de abalos lunares 2.0! (Nível Intermediário, Avançado) Quando exploraram a Lua, os astronautas da NASA do programa Apollo deixaram para trás vários instrumentos para coletar dados geofísicos próximos a cada local de pouso do Apollo. Seu desafio é desenvolver um aplicativo para o público que mapeie os dados sísmicos transmitidos por esses instrumentos de volta à Terra em um globo lunar digital interativo em 3D.
History Nasa:
Moon Nasa:
Space Chalenge 2022:
Space Chalenge 2023:
Photo AS16-113-18335 | ALSEP 11, Mare Tranquillitatis,Moon:
Photo AS12-46-6791 | ALSEP 12, Oceanus Procellarum, Moon:
Photo AS14-67-9366 | ALSEP 14, Fra Mauro, Moon:
ALSEP 15, Hadley Rille, Moon:
Photo AS16-113-18347 | ALSEP 16, Descartes, Moon: