A python interface to load Ccurl library and perform proof of work locally, without relying on a node. To be used together with PyOTA, the Python Client Library for IOTA. For more info, read the docs.
Currently, PyOTA doesn't support performing proof of work locally. The
API command sends the prepared transaction trytes
to an IOTA node, that does the PoW by filling out
fields and calculating nonce
with Curl
P-81. In case of bundles, transactions are chained together through
their transaction hash
To use the module, follow the steps: - Clone the repo from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/iotaledger/ccurl.interface.py.git
- Make sure you have cmake available on your system. This is a build dependecy for the ccurl library.
- Build ccurl according to build
and put the
library into thesrc
folder, or run theinit
script in the main folder to build and initialize:
$ ./init.sh
- Create a vitual environment / activate the one you use for PyOTA.
- Install th python package from source by running:
$ pip install -e .
Once installed, you can use the module to replace attach_to_tangle
core api call in PyOTA. Just import the ccurl_interface
module from
the pow
package and you are good to go.
An example code below illustrates how to do PoW for a bundle consisting of two transactions.
import iota from pprint import pprint from pow import ccurl_interface # Generate seed myseed = iota.crypto.types.Seed.random() # Generate two addresses addres_generator = iota.crypto.addresses.AddressGenerator(myseed) addys = addres_generator.get_addresses(1, count=2) # Preparing transactions pt = iota.ProposedTransaction(address = iota.Address(addys[0]), tag = iota.Tag(b'LOCALATTACHINTERFACE99999'), value = 0) pt2 = iota.ProposedTransaction(address = iota.Address(addys[1]), tag = iota.Tag(b'LOCALATTACHINTERFACE99999'), value = 0) # Preparing bundle that consists of both transactions prepared in the previous example pb = iota.ProposedBundle(transactions=[pt2,pt]) # Generate bundle hash pb.finalize() # Declare an api instance api = iota.Iota("https://nodes.thetangle.org:443") # Get tips to be approved by your bundle gta = api.get_transactions_to_approve(depth=3) minimum_weight_magnitude = 14 # target is mainnet # perform PoW locally bundle_trytes =\ ccurl_interface.attach_to_tangle( pb.as_tryte_strings(), gta['trunkTransaction'], gta['branchTransaction'], mwm ) # Broadcast transactions on the Tangle broadcasted = api.broadcast_and_store(bundle_trytes) bundle_broadcasted =iota.Bundle.from_tryte_strings(broadcasted['trytes']) pprint('Local pow broadcasted transactions are:') pprint(bundle_broadcasted.as_json_compatible())
Run nosetests
to test in current environment.
Run tox -v -p all
to test in Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.8.
Raise issues: https://github.com/iotaledger/ccurl.interface.py/issues