To install, you need a Java runtime environment as a java
command on
your $PATH
, Python 2.6+ (including 3.1) and python-setuptools (or
distribute). Then you can simply install this package from PyPI with
or pip
, or as a dependency in your own
The parser itself is bundled with this package so you don't need to worry
about that.
easy_install camxes
The parse()
function returns a parse tree of named nodes.
>>> import camxes
>>> print camxes.parse("coi rodo")
`- free
| `- COI
| `- u'coi'
`- sumti5
| `- PA
| `- u'ro'
`- KOhA
`- u'do'
Turn a tree back into Lojban with the lojban
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo!").lojban
u'coi ro do'
This joins the leaf nodes with a space, but you can preserve spaces and
punctuation by passing spaces=True
to parse()
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo!", spaces=True).lojban
u'coi rodo!'
Child nodes can be accessed by name as attributes, giving a list of such nodes. If there are no child nodes with that name an exception is raised.
>>> print camxes.parse("coi rodo").free[0].sumti5[0].CMAVO[1]
`- KOhA
`- u'do'
You can also access nodes by sequential position without giving the name.
>>> print camxes.parse("coi rodo")[0][1]
| `- PA
| `- u'ro'
`- KOhA
`- u'do'
Nodes iterate over their children.
>>> list(camxes.parse("coi rodo")[0][1])
[<CMAVO {ro}>, <CMAVO {do}>]
They also know their name.
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo")[0][1].name
is able to parse some ungrammatical input by processing as much
as is grammatical. It is therefore unreliable for checking if some text is
grammatical. For this purpose, there is the isgrammatical()
>>> camxes.isgrammatical("coi rodo")
>>> camxes.isgrammatical("mupli cu fliba")
>>> print camxes.parse("mupli cu fliba")
`- gismu
`- u'mupli'
gives you the affixes and hyphens of a compound.
>>> camxes.decompose("genturfa'i")
(u'gen', u'tur', u"fa'i")
It will complain for input that is not a single, valid compound.
>>> camxes.decompose("camxes")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid compound 'camxes'
The morphology()
function works much like parse()
>>> print camxes.morphology("coi")
`- COI
+- c
| `- u'c'
+- o
| `- u'o'
`- i
`- u'i'
Search for nodes with the find()
method. It takes any number of arguments
that are wildcard-matched against node names. This operation recurses down
each branch until a match is found, but does not search children of
matching nodes.
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo").find('sumti*')
[<sumti5 {ro do}>]
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo").find('PA', 'KOhA')
[<PA {ro}>, <KOhA {do}>]
Key access on nodes is a shortcut for the first match of a find.
>>> camxes.parse("la camxes genturfa'i fi la lojban")['cmene']
<cmene {camxes}>
The leafs
property is a list of all leaf nodes, which should be the
unicode lexemes.
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo").leafs
[u'coi', u'ro', u'do']
The branches()
method finds the parents of nodes whose leafs match the
arguments. This lets you search for the branches a sequence of lexemes
belong to.
>>> camxes.parse("lo ninmu cu klama lo tcadu").branches("lo")
[<sumti6 {lo ninmu}>, <sumti6 {lo tcadu}>]
>>> camxes.parse("lo ninmu cu klama lo tcadu").branches("ninmu")
[<sumti6 {lo ninmu}>]
>>> camxes.parse("lo ninmu cu klama lo tcadu").branches("klama", "lo", "tcadu")
[<sentence {lo ninmu cu klama lo tcadu}>]
A generalization of these is called filter()
and takes a predicate
function that decides if a node should be listed. filter()
is a
generator so we use list()
here to see the results.
>>> leafparent = lambda node: camxes.isleaf(node[0])
>>> list(camxes.parse("coi rodo").filter(leafparent))
[<COI {coi}>, <PA {ro}>, <KOhA {do}>]
You can get a plain-text representation of a parse tree similar to what
jbofi'e produces, using the brackets()
method. The optional argument is
a space-separated string of bracket pairs to cycle through:
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo").brackets()
u'([coi <ro do>])'
>>> camxes.parse("coi rodo").brackets(u'{} !?')
u'{!coi {ro do}?}'
Nodes have a primitive representation of a tuple where the first element is
the name of the node and the second a list of children. This property is
called primitive
and can be useful if you're serializing a parse tree
to a “dumb” format such as JSON.
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(camxes.parse("coi rodo").primitive)
[(u'CMAVO', [(u'COI', [u'coi'])]),
[(u'CMAVO', [(u'PA', [u'ro'])]), (u'CMAVO', [(u'KOhA', [u'do'])])])])])
>>> import json
>>> print json.dumps(camxes.parse("coi").primitive, indent=2)