A Go language implementation of the Norvig segmenter, given in this pdf.
Licensed WTFPL; please use this code in any way you would like.
MakeWordProb makes a word probability function from a reader.
You can create your own word probability function if you want, this just provides a default implementation. The word probability function should take any word as an argument and return a float64 0 <= x <= 1
Segment a string. Return the highest-scoring segmentation of that string given the word probability function wordprob.
package main
import (
func getFile(filename string) *os.File {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to read file", filename)
return f
func main() {
wordp := segment.MakeWordProb(getFile("mobydick.txt"))
fmt.Println(segment.Segment("thereareshortpeopleeverywhere", wordp))
// Output:
// [there are short people everywhere]