Please note: This repository contains an old version of the digital participation platform “Aula” that was used from 2016–2018 for piloting digital participation in schools across Germany. This version is not in active development anymore, so use and inspect at your own risk.
project status | build status | more info |
inactive | |
in a shell:
# install docker
docker pull
git clone --recursive
cd aula
# now you are inside the container.
stack install --fast --allow-different-user aula
Now, to have a quick look at the pages, do
make aula-server
then point your browser to localhost:8080
Note: when you want to git pull
, do this outside of docker,
just as git clone
was performed outside. Otherwise, paths may be wrong. is a tool for rapid re-compilation and testing. If you want to use it, follow these steps:
- install any required system and ghc packages, e.g., for Debian-based systems, those mentioned in in particular, libpq-dev and zlib1g-dev
- in a shell:
git clone --recursive
export AULA_ROOT_PATH=`pwd`/aula
cd aula
cabal sandbox init
Now, to have a quick look at the pages, do
make aula-server
make content # (in another terminal)
The second line generates some demo content, but also the initial user without which you can't login and create more users.
Now point your browser to localhost:8080
To start sensei, open a new terminal window and do this:
# now you are inside the container.
make sensei
This will watch your files, and if anything changes, re-compile and run the test suite.
If you are already running a docker container in another terminal, but want to keep that terminal open to do other things, you can connect to that container with a new shell:
./docker/ --connect
# now you are inside the container.
make sensei
You can use seito (same git repo, different executable) to pull the last error report into your IDE to get pointed to the source code locations.
In demo mode, the aula footer contains a link "create sample page" that points you to a text page that contains the data describing the status of the web page you are looking at.
If you cut&paste this value into a file, and move it to
, you can use the following process to work on the
instance of that page in real-time, having instantaneous
refresh on your changes. This is also valuable if you want to report
an issue with the contents of a page.
Again, start the server like above, but this time make sure that outside of the docker container, you have $AULA_SAMPLES defined:
export AULA_SAMPLES=$HOME/aula-samples/
./docker/ # do not use --connect here!
# now you are inside the container.
make aula-server
directory shouldn't be inside the aula
If it is, a sensei re-run will be triggered by its own
changes to the html files, resulting in a very noisy loop.
NOTE: docker has a VOLUME under /root/html-templates
allows you to edit the html code from outside of docker, and still
serve it from the inside. If you set $AULA_SAMPLES to a directory of
your choice outside docker, and to /root/html-templates inside, the script ./docker/
will mount the outside directory into the
inside one.
NOTE: This only works if you do not call ./docker/
. (If you have a docker container running elsewhere,
consider shutting it down first, and later connecting to the one
running here.)
To refresh the HTML from the same content (same texts and everything), open a new terminal window and do this:
./docker/ --connect
make click-dummies-refresh
The html pages are created in $AULA_SAMPLES/
, and can be browsed
under http://localhost:8080/samples/
. You can do two things now:
Edit the html pages directly. If you want to keep or diff your changes, you can initialize a local git repo (
cd $AULA_SAMPLES && git init
) and commit them there. -
Edit source code in the original repo under
. If you do this,$AULA_SAMPLES/*.html
will be overwritten, so make sure that all valuable changes you make there are under git control and recorded apropriately.
You can combine the two work-flows and edit first the html, then record, then edit the Haskell source code and use git to diff the generated html against the html you tweaked manually.
Both aula-server
and click-dummies-refresh
go into a loop, so you
need two terminals. If you have two displays, you can move your
browser and the terminal with the refresh loop to one, and your source
code editor to the other. The browser will auto-refresh at any modification
and you will never have to focus there, no matter whether you
work on the haskell sources or on the html.
For more info on this, check out ./docs/
SASS is used for styling, use the following command to compile the SASS to CSS
You need the sass compiler installed
sass --watch static-src/scss/imports.scss:static/css/all.css --style compressed
... or just run it once:
sass static-src/scss/imports.scss:static/css/all.css --style compressed
You need fontcustom installed
- Add your SVGs to static-src/icons-svg/ No strokes, fills only.
- run
fontcustom compile -c ./fontcustom.yml