Kosmo is forked from adhocracy.plus. adhocracy.plus is a free Open-Source participation platform maintained and primarily developed by Liquid Democracy e.V.. It is based on adhocracy 4 and Django.
adhocracy+ is designed to make online participation easy and accessible to everyone. It can be used on our SaaS-platform or installed on your own servers. How to get started on our platform is explained here.
- nodejs (+ npm)
- python 3.x (+ venv + pip)
- libpq (only if postgres should be used)
git clone https://github.com/liqd/a4-kosmo.git
cd adhocracy-plus
make install
make fixtures
source venv/bin/activate
make test
make watch
run the following command once:
make create-postgres
to start the testserver with postgresql, run:
export DATABASE=postgresql
make start-postgres
make watch
Go to http://localhost:8004/ and login with [email protected] | password
You like adhocracy+ and want to run your own version? An installation guide for production systems can be found here.
If you found an issue, want to contribute, or would like to add your own features to your own version of adhocracy+, check out contributing.
We care about security. So, if you find any issues concerning security, please send us an email at info [at] liqd [dot] net.