A python library for remote laboratory control. Laboratory remoting facilitates experimental research:
- access from anywhere
- large dataset gathering, storage, and analysis
- repeatability
- real-time status and progress monitoring,
- intra- and inter-group collaboration
This package includes:
- A shared library of instrument drivers
- Representation of state for labs of multiple users
- Driver-independent abstractions of instruments
- Utilities for data structures, advanced sweeping, search procedures, spectrum analysis, and characterization
- Constructs of laboratory virtualization for repeatability and rapid user code development
- Detailed documentation of tips, tricks, and instructions for prepping your lab for remoting
Here is our philosophy of how a modern lab can look.
From PyPI:
pip install lightlab
From source (developer mode):
git clone https://github.com/lightwave-lab/lightlab.git cd lightlab pip install -e . # install in editable mode.
- Configure GPIB/ethernet communication on a personal computer or instrumentation server
- Initialize the representation of your lab state
- Write a driver or use an existing one
- Read about advanced features and tutorials
- Get going! Need more help? Have suggestions? File an issue
Readthedocs: lightlab.readthedocs.io
Github: https://github.com/lightwave-lab/lightlab
Server: Mac OS and Linux running ≥python3.6; not tested on Windows (to do).
Auxiliary hosts: Mac OS, Linux, Windows
This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number E2CDA-1740262. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.