Scrum2B Tool is a Project Management application, specialized in Scrum/Agile projects and Software Development, is using and maintained by ScrumTobe Software ( Scrum2B Tool is built as a plugin of Redmine (, free to use.
- Technologies: Ruby On Rails 3.x/4.x, Redmine 3.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, Postgres/MySQL
- Methodologies: Scrum/Agile, Continuous Integration
- Installation Guide:
We are focus to make easier and more simple to practice Scrum in Project management. The main functions are:
- Visual vision for Scrum/Agile Project Management: display issues in Sprint, columns (Backlog, New, In progress, Completed, Close)
- Easy to drag and drop the issues in columns for planing and observing
- Username/password: demo/demo1234
Scrum2B is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL) (
Change to use "develop" branch for developers:
$ git checkout -b develop origin/develop
Commit codes
$ git fetch --all
$ git merge origin/develop
$ git commit -m "Message Content in here"
$ git push -u origin develop
If you have any comment/sugguession, please send message to our email: [email protected]