Discorder is an interactive command line discord client.
Discord server: https://discord.gg/0vYlUK2XBKlmxGrX
Join for updates, to suggest stuff, complain about stuff, or just talk about stuff
Try the latest alpha version here: https://github.com/jonas747/discorder/releases
####compiling from repo
You need go and git installed, and your gopath set up
run this command: go get -u github.com/jonas747/discorder/cmd/discorder
(-u: to force an update if you have a older version)
After that there should be a built executable in your $GOPATH/bin folder
Note: Discorder still lacks a lot of features, so i wouldn't consider using it as a full replacement yet
- Light on resource usage
- This depends on how many tabs you have open and how many channels you're listening in on offcourse
- Maybe not so much in this early development stage where everything is still getting set up and organised, but will be a focus later on
- Customizable
- Discorder is very customizable, you can change the looks of it with your own themes and change the keybinds (See doc for more info)
Feature list:
- Sending receiving messages and dm's
- Multiple channels in one view
- Initiating new dm conversations
- Delete messages
- Edit messages
- Custom keybinds
- Custom themes
- Notifications
- Change server notifications settings
- Mention auto completion
- Tabs
- Typing events
- History
- Persistent state, tabs will be saved to config when exiting
- Nicknames with optional hiding of nicknames
- Change user settings
- Discord status (idle status, game playing), you can set it using the command currently but not view it
- Member list
- Message pinning
- Server management
- Voice
- Friends and other relationship stuff (block etc)
- Invite (you can open them but not create)
Run the executable and follow the instructions on screen
Keybinds: See doc/keybinds.md for keybind configuration and doc/defaults.md for defaults
Quick start:
- log in using token or username/pw
- ctrl-s to open server/channel list
- mark servers/channels for listening with ctrl-space
- set as sending channel with enter
- close out of windows wih alt-backspace
- f1-12 for tabs
- ctrl-x to open command menu
- change discorder settings such as randomized colors, short guild names, hide nicknames etc in discorder_setttings which you can find in the command menu
Discorder depends on termbox, discordgo, and go-runewidth at compile time
- xdg-open: Used for opening links
- notify-send: Used for Linux notifications
- terminal-emulator: Used for macOS notifications