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A mail server install script for Debian and Debian based distributions. This installer is permanently tested on Debians stable branch but is reported to run on newer branches, too. Debian Squeeze (old-stable) is not supported.
Please see https://www.debinux.de/2014/08/fufix-mailserver-installer-auf-basis-von-postfix-und-Dovecot/ for any further information. Feel free to leave a comment or question (best in English or German).
A summary of what software is installed with which features enabled.
System setup
- Setting the Hostname & Fully Qualified Domain Name
- Timezone adjustment
- Automatically generated passwords with high complexity
- Self-signed SSL certificate for all supported services
- Nginx (+php5-fpm) installation with a site for Postfixadmin (SSL only, based on BetterCrypto)
- MySQL installation as backend for mail service
- DNS check via Google DNS to verify PTR and A Record
- Free Rsyslog from mail logs (mail.* only)
- Submission activated (TCP/587)
- SMTPS disabled
- Require TLS Authentification
- Included ZEN blocklist
- Spam- and virus protection plus attachment filter by FuGlu Mail Content Scanner with ClamAV and Spamassassin backend: Reject infected mails (<v0.2: delete), mark spam and move to "Junk"
- SSL based on BetterCrypto (but no definition of "high" ciphers for compatibility reasons)
- Default mailboxes to subscribe to automatically (Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Trash, Junk - SPECIAL-USE RFC 6154 tags)
- Sieve/ManageSieve (TCP/4190)
- Global sieve filter: Prefix spam with "[SPAM]" and move to "Junk"
- (IMAP) quotas
- LMTP (resident daemon)
- SSL based on BetterCrypto
- Automatic superuser configuration
- Full quota support
- "config.local.php" preconfigured
- Until a stable version 3.x is released, postfixadmin is pulled from SVN
Please remove any web- and mail services running on your server. I recommend using a clean Debian minimal installation. Remember to purge Debians default MTA Exim4:
apt-get purge exim4*
If there is any firewall, unblock the following ports for incoming connections:
Service | Protocol | Port |
Postfix Submission | TCP | 587 |
Postfix SMTP | TCP | 25 |
Dovecot IMAP | TCP | 143 |
Dovecot IMAPS | TCP | 993 |
Dovecot ManageSieve | TCP | 4190 |
Nginx HTTPS | TCP | 443 |
Please run all commands as root
Install git to download fufix:
apt-get install git
Clone fufix into whichever directory (using ~/build here):
mkdir ~/build
git clone https://github.com/andryyy/fufix
cd fufix
Now edit install.sh to fit your needs!
nano install.sh
- sys_hostname - Hostname without domain
- sys_domain - Domain name. "$sys_hostname.$sys_domain" equals to FQDN.
- sys_timezone - The timezone must be definied in a valid format (Europe/Berlin, America/New_York etc.)
- my_postfixdb, my_postfixuser, my_postfixpass - MySQL database name, username and password for use with Postfix. You can use the default values.
- my_rootpw - MySQL root password is generated automatically by default. You can define a complex password here if you want to.
- pfadmin_adminuser and pfadmin_adminpass - Postfixadmin superuser definition: Username MUST end with a valid domain name but does NOT need to be yours. "[email protected]" is fine, "[email protected]" or "yourname@aname" is not. Password policy: minimum length 5 chars, must contain at least 3 characters, must contain at least 2 digits. You can use the default values
- "cert-" vars - Used for the self-signed certificate. CN will be the servers FQDN.
You are ready to start the script:
Just be patient and confirm every step by pressing [ENTER] or CTRL-C to interrupt the installation. More debugging is about to come. Though everything should work as intended.
To help you modify the configuration, I created this little overview to get you started.
Basic configuration. Set group=nogroup
to run as nobody:nogroup (instead of group nobody). Set defaultvirusaction
and blockaction
to REJECT. Enabled ESMTP in incomingport
- /etc/fuglu/fuglu.conf
Define attachments to deny/allow:
- /etc/fuglu/rules/default-filenames.conf
- /etc/fuglu/rules/default-filetypes.conf
Mail template for the bounce to inform sender about blocked attachment:
- /etc/fuglu/templates/blockedfile.tmpl
Added TCPSocket 3310
and TCPAddr
to create a TCP socket:
- /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
Added rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]
and report_safe 2
to prefix [SPAM] to junk mail and forward spam as attachment instead of original message (text/plain):
- /etc/spamassassin/local.cf
Enabled "spamd" by ENABLED=1
, enabled cronjob by setting CRON=1
and modified OPTIONS line OPTIONS="--create-prefs --max-children 5 --helper-home-dir --username debian-spamd"
- /etc/default/spamassassin
The files "main.cf" and "master.cf" contain a lot of changes. You should now what you do if you modify these files.
- /etc/postfix/main.cf
- /etc/postfix/master.cf
You also find the SQL based maps for virtual transport here:
- /etc/postfix/sql/*.cf
To pick some of the most important changes in "main.cf".
#SSL based:
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.crt
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.key
smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.crt
smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/mail/mail.key
# Recipient restrictions
reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org # ZEN blacklist
reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname # Reject mails if no PTR is set or does not match
# Sender restrictions
reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch # Refuse to send mails when FROM address is not owned by sender (only matches for authenticated users.)
reject_unknown_sender_domain # Refuse to send mails from unknown domains
# Queue handling
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d
bounce_queue_lifetime = 1d
queue_run_delay = 300s
maximal_backoff_time = 1800s
minimal_backoff_time = 300s
A site for mail is copied to /etc/nginx/sites-available
and enabled via symbolic link to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
The sites root location is /usr/share/nginx/mail
. Any default site installed by apt-get is removed.
A PHP socket configuration is located at /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/mail.conf
Some PHP parameters are set right here to override those in /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
php_admin_value[short_open_tag] = on # Allow "<?" tags
php_admin_value[magic_quotes_runtime] = off
php_admin_value[register_globals] = off
php_admin_value[magic_quotes_gpc] = off
php_admin_value[date.timezone] = Europe/Berlin # This is just an example and replaced by the installer
php_admin_value[expose_php] = off # Do not display PHP version
Server tokens are turned off in Nginx default configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
A file /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
is created with the following content:
bantime = 3600
enabled = true
enabled = true
Ban time is set to 1h, a jail for Postfix SASL (authentication) and - why not - SSHd is enabled.
Default configuration parameters can be reviewed in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
. I recommend to add further/modify existing parameters in "jail.local" to override those in "jail.conf".
The file "config.local.php" is copied to the target directory /usr/share/nginx/mail/pfadmin
. Some parameters like "domain.tld" are dummies and replaced by the installer.
$CONF['configured'] = true;
$CONF['setup_password'] = 'changeme';
$CONF['default_language'] = 'de';
$CONF['database_user'] = 'my_postfixuser';
$CONF['database_password'] = 'my_postfixpass';
$CONF['database_name'] = 'my_postfixdb';
$CONF['admin_email'] = '[email protected]';
$CONF['default_aliases'] = array (
'abuse' => '[email protected]',
'hostmaster' => '[email protected]',
'postmaster' => '[email protected]',
'webmaster' => '[email protected]'
$CONF['aliases'] = '10240';
$CONF['mailboxes'] = '10240';
$CONF['maxquota'] = '10240';
$CONF['domain_quota_default'] = '20480';
$CONF['quota'] = 'YES';
$CONF['backup'] = 'YES';
$CONF['fetchmail'] = 'NO';
$CONF['show_footer_text'] = 'NO';
$CONF['used_quotas'] = 'YES';
You can change some values to your personal needs by just editing or adding them to this file. All changes to "config.local.php" override the global configuration file of Postfixadmin. No need to reload any service afterwards.
Default quotas in MB.
If you really need to edit Dovecots configuration, you can find the required files in /etc/dovecot
holds the default configuration. To keep it simple I chose not to split the configuration into multiple files.
Some options you may want to find:
ssl_cipher_list = xyz # What ciphers are allowed?
sieve_before = /var/vmail/sieve/spam-global.sieve # Sieve script to move messages prefixed by "[SPAM]" to junk, globally defined for every user and cannot be deleted or modified by those
sieve_max_script_size = 1M
sieve_quota_max_scripts = 0
sieve_quota_max_storage = 0
special_use = xyz # RFC 6154 tags
Dovecots SQL parameters can be found in either /etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf
or /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf
"dovecot-dict-sql.conf" holds instructions for reading a users quota.
"dovecot-mysql.conf" contains some basic SQL commands:
- driver - What database
- connect - How to connect to the MySQL database
- default_pass_scheme - Password scheme. If you edit this you also need to adjust Postfixadmin!
- password_query - Validate passwords.
- user_query - Validate users.
- iterate_query - Iterate users, also needed by a lot of "doveadm" commands.
Furthermore a script "doverecalcq" is copied to /etc/cron.daily
to recalculate quotas of all users daily.
A system with a very large amount of virtual users should not do this on a daily basis. I recommend to move the script to "cron.weekly" then.
Dovecot saves messages to /var/vmail/DOMAINNAME/USERNAME
in maildir format.
Most important files for debugging:
- /var/log/mail.log
- /var/log/mail.warn
- /var/log/mail.err
- /var/log/syslog
- /var/log/fuglu/fuglu.log
- /var/log/nginx/error.log
- /var/log/mysql.err
Please always see these files when troubleshooting your mail server.
To help you administrate some basic tasks I decided to add a section "Maintenance". A lot of work on mailboxes can be done by Dovecots "doveadm" tool.
For example searching for inbox messages saved in the past 3 days for user "Bob.Cat":
doveadm search -u [email protected] mailbox inbox savedsince 2d
Or search Bobs inbox for subject "important":
doveadm search -u [email protected] mailbox inbox subject important
Want to delete Bobs messages older than 100 days?
doveadm expunge -u [email protected] mailbox inbox savedsince 100d
From Dovecots wiki: Move jane's messages - received in September 2011 - from her INBOX into her archive.
doveadm move -u jane Archive/2011/09 mailbox INBOX BEFORE 2011-10-01 SINCE 01-Sep-2011
You find some more useful search queries and much more here: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Tools/Doveadm
If you want to create a backup of Bobs maildir to /var/mailbackup, just go ahead and create the backup destination with proper rights:
mkdir /var/mailbackup
chown vmail:vmail /var/mailbackup/
Afterwards you can start a full backup:
dsync -u [email protected] backup maildir:/var/mailbackup/
For more information about dsync (like the difference between backups and mirrors) visit http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Tools/Dsync
The SSL certificate is located at /etc/ssl/mail/mail.{key,crt}
You can replace it by just copying over your own files.
Services effected and necessary to restart are postfix
, dovecot
and nginx
You can use FuGlus Action Override plugin to create custom filters.
To add an action open the file /etc/fuglu/actionrules.regex
Use the following syntax:
<headername> <regex> <argument>
Valid header names (a email header name, eg Received, To, From, Subject ... also supports ‘*’ as wildcard character):
- mime:headername (to get mime Headers in the message payload eg: mime:Content-Disposition)
- envelope_from (the envelope from address)
- from_domain (domain part of envelope_from)
- envelope_to (envelope to address)
- to_domain (domain part of envelope_to)
- a message Tag prepended by the @ symbol, eg. @incomingport
- body:raw (to match the the decoded message body (only applies to text/* partsl))
- body:stripped or just body (to match the the message body (only applies to text/* parts), with stripped tags and newlines replaced with space (similar to SpamAssassin body rules))
- body:full (to match the full body) Valid arguments:
- DUNNO : This plugin decides not to take any final action, continue with the next plugin (this is the most common case)
- ACCEPT : Whitelist this message, don’t run any remaining plugins
- DELETE : Silently delete this message (The sender will think it has been delivered)
- DEFER : Temporary Reject (4xx error), used for error conditions in after-queue mode or things like greylisting in before-queue mode
- REJECT : Reject this message, should only be used in before-queue mode (in after-queue mode this would produce a bounce / backscatter)
Some examples with regex:
# Reject mails with "Hello" in the subject:
Subject Hello REJECT
# Delete mail sent from domain.org or any subdomain
from_domain (\.)?domain.org$ DELETE
# Reject if a X-Spam-<something> header exists
X-Spam-* .* REJECT
You do not need to restart/reload FuGlus service!
The file actionrules.regex will be reloaded automatically.
See more details at http://gryphius.github.io/fuglu/plugins-index.html
Run misc/purge.sh
from within fufix directory to completely purge fufix, mailboxes, databases and any related service.