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- Learning.EventStore Public
A framework for CQRS, Eventsourcing, and messaging that uses Redis pub/sub for messaging and offers event persistence in Redis, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL.
learningcom/Learning.EventStore’s past year of commit activity - dce_lti_py Public Forked from harvard-dce/dce_lti_py
Python library for building and/or consuming LTI apps (FORK)
learningcom/dce_lti_py’s past year of commit activity - passport-http-oauth Public
Forked from and re-imported from Bitbucket
learningcom/passport-http-oauth’s past year of commit activity - LtiAdvantagePlatform Public Forked from LtiLibrary/LtiAdvantagePlatform
Sample LTI Advantage Platform.
learningcom/LtiAdvantagePlatform’s past year of commit activity - DynamicSettings Public
Dynamic Settings is a .NET library that allows you to load application settings from a variety of sources including environment variables, ConfigurationManager, text files, YAML files, and Redis.
learningcom/DynamicSettings’s past year of commit activity - LtiAdvantage Public Forked from LtiLibrary/LtiAdvantage
LTI Advantage class library for .NET applications.
learningcom/LtiAdvantage’s past year of commit activity - skulpt Public Forked from skulpt/skulpt
Skulpt is a Javascript implementation of the Python programming language
learningcom/skulpt’s past year of commit activity