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Spout 2.007.016

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@leadedge leadedge released this 01 Mar 03:51


Download below and extract to any convenient folder. This will result in a "SPOUT-2007" folder with two sub-folders :

  1. Settings
  • SpoutSettings - a program to select settings for Spout
  • SpoutPanel - a sender selection dialog that can be used by Spout receivers
  • Batch files for manual registration and setup
  1. Demonstration programs
  • Sender and receiver demonstration programs


  • Open "SpoutSettings" to establish registry settings for Spout applications.
    The individual Help buttons at right provide details for each setting.
  • Refer to "spout-setup.pdf" for instructions and for more details.

Manual setup

"spout-settings.bat" can be used for Spout registration if required.

  • Update - review and update settings
  • Reset - reset to defaults
  • Remove - remove all Spout settings

Demonstration programs

The demonstration programs are basic Sender and Receiver. Their purpose is to determine whether the system is compatible with Spout texture sharing. These programs should used first to establish compatibility.


Binaries for libraries and examples are included in If you see errors about missing DLL’s for the examples, download and install the X64 version of the Visual Studio runtime.


Source code changes are documented in "SpoutSettings" has been revised for a more simple interface an no longer includes NVIDIA hardware detection and settings. The NVIDIA control panel should be used directly. "SpoutPanel" has been revised for more extensive sender diagnostics. The demo sender and receiver have been rebuilt using the latest code.