Title: A coarse-to-fine weakly supervised learning method for green plastic cover segmentation using high-resolution remote sensing images
Author: Yinxia Cao, Xin Huang
Author affiliation: School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, PR China
Journal: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Paper state: accepted on 4.14, 2022
python >=3.6
pytorch >= 1.7.0 (lower version may be also work)
GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti GPU (11G memory)
Google earth images download steps:
- Add a XYZ tile in the browser panel and load the created link to QGIS
For google earth images, a available link for XYZ connection is https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}. - Make your own image-level labels:
create a vector file (shp)
add positive (negative) sample points
- open the python console in QGIS.
- Run the following code and change the path of the created vector file.
python tttcls_google_gpc/qgis_download_google.py
To do: organize the datasets and release it hopefully.
The workflow of the proposed method is as follows:
Step 1: training the classification network and generating grad-cam++ maps
cd tttcls_google_gpc
python train_regent040_0.6_balance.py
python generate_cam_balance.py
Step 2: applying unsupervised segmentation to images
refer to the link
revise the input path and then run the following code. Note that two versions were provided.
There is little difference between the two versions. We just used the v1 in the paper.
ptyhon generate_unsupervised_segmentation_v1.py # for RGB images (8bit)
[or python generate_unsupervised_segmentation_v2.py] # for multi-spectral images
Step 3: generating object-based CAM and applying otsu thresholding. see the matlab file: demo_gen_cues_train_labels.m. The basic idea is simple, i.e., calculating the mean values of each object from step 2 and then applying the otsu method to obtain the binary pixel-level mask (1: foreground, 0: background).
run demo_gen_cues_train_labels.m
Step 4: carrying out segmentation with the binary mask from step 3
cd tttseg_google_gpc
python train_regnet040_0.6_update.py
We used the package "segmentation_models_pytorch" and "pytorch-grad-cam".
Thanks for their contributions.
Author = {Pavel Yakubovskiy},
Title = {Segmentation Models Pytorch},
Year = {2020},
Publisher = {GitHub},
Journal = {GitHub repository},
Howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/qubvel/segmentation_models.pytorch}}
title={PyTorch library for CAM methods},
author={Jacob Gildenblat and contributors},
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details