Releases: lasp/space_packet_parser
Releases · lasp/space_packet_parser
What's Changed
- Final fix for release pipeline prerelease regex by @medley56 in #103
- BUGFIX: fix kbps calculation for generator when show_progress=True by @medley56 in #105
- Add documentation about raw vs normal values for parsed parameters by @medley56 in #106
- PERF: Reduce number of times findall is called on XML file by @greglucas in #113
- MNT: Change logger warning to UserWarning and ignore some inconsequential test warnings by @greglucas in #117
- MNT/ENH: Add a raw CCSDS packet generator by @greglucas in #107
- Add continuation packet support by @greglucas in #115
- Add a command line interface by @greglucas in #109
- Modify IMAP code to create generic xarray dataset from packet data file by @medley56 in #118
- Bugfix/in browser demo broken by @medley56 in #119
- Prep for 5.1.0rc1 release by @medley56 in #120
- Release/5.1.0rc1 by @medley56 in #121
- Release/5.1.0rc1 by @medley56 in #122
- fix path to JS script for sphinx to find it by @medley56 in #123
- MNT: Switch linting to ruff by @greglucas in #124
- CI: Add code coverage reports to external source by @greglucas in #125
- CI: Add id-token write permissions for codecov OIDC by @greglucas in #133
- Add workflow to run tests on any change to main and also daily on main by @medley56 in #134
- BUGFIX: update allowed float encodings to match XTCE standard by @cgobat in #127
- Add benchmarking to test suite by @medley56 in #126
- Add example for converting CCSDSPy CSV to an XtcePacketDefinition and demonstrate parsing data by @medley56 in #132
- MNT: Move parameter data types to common module by @greglucas in #139
- MNT: Add extras groups for easier installation of optional packages by @greglucas in #137
- Add pre-commit hooks by @greglucas in #138
- Ensure uniqueness of parsed SequenceContainer objects by @medley56 in #136
- CI: Run pre-commit and not just ruff by @greglucas in #142
- CI: Remove explicit linting job and use instead by @greglucas in #144
- Handle all namespace cases - default, prefixed, no namespace. by @medley56 in #143
- Minor tweaks to readme and metadata by @medley56 in #146
- CI: Try codecov with OIDC and avoid tokens by @greglucas in #149
- MNT: Add backcompat shim to ease transition to new packet file loading by @greglucas in #145
- PERF: Use direct bitshift logic instead of _extract_bits function by @greglucas in #150
- Improve error message for float returned from LinearAdjuster by @medley56 in #148
- Remove errant import line in user docs page by @medley56 in #152
- Package for Anaconda by @medley56 in #153
- Fix recursive search during sigstore signing step of release pipeline by @medley56 in #155
- Bump to 6.0.0rc2 by @medley56 in #156
Full Changelog: 5.0.1...6.0.0rc2
What's Changed
- Final fix for release pipeline prerelease regex by @medley56 in #103
- BUGFIX: fix kbps calculation for generator when show_progress=True by @medley56 in #105
- Add documentation about raw vs normal values for parsed parameters by @medley56 in #106
- PERF: Reduce number of times findall is called on XML file by @greglucas in #113
- MNT: Change logger warning to UserWarning and ignore some inconsequential test warnings by @greglucas in #117
- MNT/ENH: Add a raw CCSDS packet generator by @greglucas in #107
- Add continuation packet support by @greglucas in #115
- Add a command line interface by @greglucas in #109
- Modify IMAP code to create generic xarray dataset from packet data file by @medley56 in #118
- Bugfix/in browser demo broken by @medley56 in #119
- Prep for 5.1.0rc1 release by @medley56 in #120
- Release/5.1.0rc1 by @medley56 in #121
Full Changelog: 5.0.1...5.1.0rc1
What's Changed
- BREAKING: Main API changed. No need to create separate definition and parser objects any more. Create only a
definition from your XTCE document and instead ofmy_parser.generator
, usemy_packet_definition.packet_generator
. - BREAKING: Removed CSV-based packet definition support. We may indirectly support this in the future via
a utility for converting CSV definitions to XTCE. - BREAKING: Separated out logical pieces into separate modules rather than everything
living within the xtcedef module. This means user imports may be different now. - BREAKING: Replace
objects with native Python bytes objects- Remove dependency on the
library - Much faster parsing speed
- Users that are passing
objects togenerator
will need to pass a
binary filelike object instead
- Remove dependency on the
class has been removed and the derived values are being returned now.
is stored as an attribute on the returned object. The other items can be accessed
through the packet definition objectmy_packet_definition.named_parameters["my_item"].short_description
- BREAKING: The return type of BinaryDataEncoding is now the raw bytes.
To get the previous behavior you can convert the data to an integer and then format it as a binary string.
f"{int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big'):0{len(data)*8}b}"
- BREAKING: Removed
kwarg from packet generator method.
We expect all binary data to be integer number of bytes. - BREAKING: Changed
. - Fixed incorrect parsing of StringDataEncoding elements. Raw string values are now returned as byte buffers.
Derived string values contain python string objects. - The
class is now a dictionary subclass, enabling direct lookup of items from the Packet itself. - A
class has been added that is a subclass of bytes. It keeps track of the current
parsing location and enables reading of bit lengths as integers or raw bytes. - Fix EnumeratedParameterType to handle duplicate labels
- Add error reporting for unsupported and invalid parameter types
- Add support for MIL-1750A floats (32-bit only)
New Contributors
- @laspsandoval made their first contribution in #50
- @cgobat made their first contribution in #18
Full Changelog: 4.2.0...5.0.0
What's Changed
- Add example of variable length field calculations to documentation by @laspsandoval in #50
- ENH: Change parsing logic to bytes manipulation directly by @greglucas in #51
- FIX: Enumerated parameter lookup of duplicate labels by @greglucas in #54
- MNT: Use direct operator evaluation rather than eval() by @greglucas in #52
- Add error handling for invalid/unknown parameter type by @medley56 in #42
- Fix Unit Tests Relying on ConstBitStream to use PacketData Instead by @medley56 in #58
- Remove bitstring dependency by @greglucas in #59
- Add pycodestyle as dev dependency by @medley56 in #60
- Use
instead of standard libraryxml
to improve namespace identification by @cgobat in #18 - Add straightforward endianness implementation; accommodate all allowable string encodings by @cgobat in #26
- Add a Parseable Protocol and parse method by @greglucas in #53
- FIX: Return the raw bytes from a BinaryDataEncoding by @greglucas in #61
- MNT: Simplify the string parsing termination character handling by @greglucas in #62
- Faster value parsing by @greglucas in #63
- Unify packet class by @greglucas in #67
- Support MIL-1750A Float Encoding by @medley56 in #69
- Refactor modules by @greglucas in #68
- DOC: Add in-browser capability by @greglucas in #71
- MNT: Turn some position arguments into keyword-only by @greglucas in #77
- MNT: Make packet class be a mapping based on data items by @greglucas in #70
- Remove CSV parsing code by @medley56 in #78
- Refactor API and Move Parser Methods to XtcePacketDefinition Class by @medley56 in #79
- Parser read method by @greglucas in #82
- CI: Add windows and macos tests by @greglucas in #83
- REL/CI: Automate release workflow by @greglucas in #84
- Fix Incorrect String Parsing by @medley56 in #85
New Contributors
- @laspsandoval made their first contribution in #50
- @cgobat made their first contribution in #18
Full Changelog: 4.2.0...5.0.0rc9
Changes in this release:
- Parse short and long descriptions of parameters
- Implement equality checking for SequenceContainer objects and Parameter objects
- Include parameter short description and long description in ParsedDataItems
- Add support for AbsoluteTimeParameterType and RelativeTimeParameterType
- Add support for BooleanParameterType
- Drop support for bitstring <4.0.1
- Support BooleanExpression in a ContextCalibrator
- Default read size is changed to a full file read on file-like objects
Release 4.0.1
First release from open source repository.