I'm an apprentice of the way of Christ and a student of the Bible (John 14:6). As a layman, I'm deeply interested in Christian apologetics.
I didn't always believe in Jesus and follow him, but through a combination of antecdotal experience and also investigation of Christian apologetics I decided to become a Christian in 2018.
In addition, I'm currently learning about the practice of the unhurried life, disciplined by Christ's examples. i.e., I desire to practice a daily life without hurry. Being busy with the daily life is not necessarily an issue, but hurriedness in the midst of it all is an issue. For example, Jesus waits 2 days before attending to Lazarus, his dear friend who is close to death. He also spends prolonged time alone in the wilderness. He is inturrupted on his way to heal a child (as prompted by her father) by another woman that seeks him out. Jesus' daily schedule was busy in lots of examples in the Gospels throughout his ministry. We can assume that he had some less busy days throughout his ministry, but sometimes it looks like he can't catch a break. He was busy, but he was not hurried. If something is worth doing then it may be worth not hurrying it.
So far, this has been a really big challenge for me. As someone that works constantly on the computer in a full time capacity, it's hard not to flip through browser tabs or check some form of social media every five minutes. The need to always be connected or engaged in something is tempting for some reason that I don't understand and can't really describe. However, I do know that for me it is mentally exhausting and quickly surpasses a thin threshold where it becomes unrewarding. There's certainly use to be found in social media, like staying informed with the news or checking in with friends. But I'm someone who allows himself to easily be consumed with what is available, and that is the problem.
Persons who meditate become people of substance who have thought things out and have deep convictions, who can explain difficult concepts in simple language, and who have good reasons behind everything they do. Many people do not meditate. They skim everything, picking and choosing on impulse, having no thought-out reasons for their behavior. Following whims, they live shallow lives.
A lot of the above is inspired by John Mark Comer's Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. I also really like The Wisdom Pyramid by Bret McCracken and Deep Work by Cal Newport.
๐ญ โก ๐ Iโm currently working on problems @transfixio. I worked specifically on EDI things for a while now I'm working on payments and general brokerage SaaS stuff.
- I recently reworked how the company parses, builds, and validates inbound and outbound X12 transmissions.
I'm interested in ๐ป Computer Science and โ Mathematics topics and education. My favorite areas are linear and abstract algebra with some calculus and numerical analysis.
- Ruby/Rails
- Zsh + OMZ (lots of various CLIs/tools including git pre-commit hooks)
- VSCode with vim keybindings + a bunch of other plugins
- Postgres
- Obsidian for notes. I always prefer vim keybinds
- I'm also trying out Logseq
I make my configurations, setup, and helper files available at
- dotfiles
- krm-helpers
- nvim-config In the past I've mostly used nvim, however, I've recently made the switch back to vscode + vim plugins.
I have a custom static site generator at github.com/krmckone/lk-site and output is available at krmckone.com
- Tokyonight (storm)
- Solarized (light) ( By far my most used )
- Nightfox (I use the nordfox variant)
- Sauce Code Pro (Generally use this one when available)
- Meslo LG
- Go Mono
- Web3/decentralized web/IPFS
- The Linux programming interface
- C++ Programming
- Computer Graphics (Theory and Applications) check out lk-opengl (Priority right now as of Fall 2023)
- This is using two books, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice and RTR. One day maybe I'll get to work professionally in graphics.
- Game Theory
- Category Theory
- How to make development workflows easier (development and testing)
- Basic static site generation
- How to best cultivate focused time while avoiding distractions
๐ซ How to reach me: [email protected]
Check out my Gist on setting up multiple GitHub accounts and SSH Keys without modifying ~/.ssh/config. This is certainly still a work in progress but I've had success with it on my mac laptops.