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Fixed income valuation with term structure models and Monte Carlo simulations: Pricing straight, floating and callable bonds, swaps, swaptions, forward rate agreements, and more exotic securities such as inverse or range floaters


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Valuation of Fixed Income Securities

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Valuation of fixed income securities with a spot-rate term structure or continuous-time interest-rate models. This package can handle and optimize Nelson-Siegel-Svensson or cubic splines term structures from a list of bonds. Monte Carlo simulations can be used to price exotic securities with an interest rate model. Currently, the Ho-Lee and Vasicek models are implemented.

Financial instruments covered:

  • Fixed-coupon and floating rate bonds
  • Foward contracts and forward rate agreeements
  • Interest rate swaps
  • European options (with Black-Scholes)
  • European, Asian, American options with Monte Carlo
  • Ho-Lee and Vasicek interest rate models

go get


  • termfit fits a spot-rate curve to a set of bonds given their quoted prices and maturity dates.
  • bonds-cli can be used to value a simple straight fixed-coupon bond
  • swaprate-cli provides the swap rates for a set of maturities for the given spot-rate curve
  • option-cli is pricing plain vanilla European call or put options and calculates all the 'Greeks'

Nelson-Siegel-Svensson parameters

Many central banks offer daily updates of the fitted parameters for the Nelson-Siegel-Svensson model:

Code example for a straight bond

  • Valuation of more exoctic securities are given in the example folder
	// define straight bond
	straightBond := bond.Straight{
		Schedule: maturity.Schedule{
			Settlement: time.Date(2021,4,17,0,0,0,0,time.UTC),
			Maturity:   time.Date(2026,5,25,0,0,0,0,time.UTC),
			Frequency:  1,
		Coupon:     1.25,
		Redemption: 100.0,

	// define term structure
        // Nelson-Siegel-Svensson parameters as 2021-03-31 for Swiss government bonds
	term := term.NelsonSiegelSvensson{
	// price risk-free bond
	value := straightBond.PresentValue(&term)

	// modified duration
	duration := straightBond.Duration( &term)

	// accrued interest (30/360 day convention) and "dirty" price of bond
	accrued := straightBond.Accrued()
	cleanPrice := value - accrued

	// internal rate of return given a market price
	irr, _ := fixedincome.IRR(109.70, straightBond)

	// implied static spread
	spread, _ := fixedincome.Spread(109.70, straightBond, &term)

Further reading


Fixed income valuation with term structure models and Monte Carlo simulations: Pricing straight, floating and callable bonds, swaps, swaptions, forward rate agreements, and more exotic securities such as inverse or range floaters








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