This package implements various convexification algorithms that can be used for the numerical relaxation of variational problems.
Install the package with
pkg> add
The implemented methods are research results from the following papers:
- Adaptive convexification of microsphere-based incremental damage for stress and strain softening at finite strains
- Multidimensional rank-one convexification of incremental damage models at finite strains
- Hierarchical Rank-One Sequence Convexification for the Relaxation of Variational Problems with Microstructures
This code is a result of the SPP 2256 Project Group 2. We acknowledge the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for funding within the Priority Program 2256 ("Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials"), project ID 441154176, reference ID BA2823/17-1.