This is a simple game engine project, that implements something similar to minecraft.
- change the way of storing chunks, delete smart pointers from map
- add rendering of missing blocks
- add clouds rendering
- improve water mesh generator
Vcpkg: We are using the Vcpkg package manager to install project dependencies. This project is oriented to be cross-platform, and Vcpkg provides an easy way to install packages on various operating systems. You can read more here and here.
Git Submodules: You don't need to install vcpkg manually, it is included as a git submodule (shallow, depth==1). You can clone the project using the following command:
git clone --recursive --shallow-submodules
- Bootstrapping Vcpkg: After cloning the project, you can bootstrap vcpkg using the following commands:
./vcpkg/ -disableMetrics
- Install Dependencies: Now you can install the project dependencies using the following command: vcpkg install glfw3 glew glad imgui
./vcpkg/vcpkg install opengl glad glew glfw3 glm imgui
Read information's in your terminal while installing dependencies. Probably you will be missing some dependencies, so you need to install them manually. There should be a message like this:
brew install libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev pkg-config
sudo apt install libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev pkg-config
Then repeat 4th step.
- CMake: We are using CMake to build the project. It is automated, so you do not have to do anything. For example, if you are using MacOS/Linux, you can use the following command to build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make all
Green magic button in your IDE e.g. CLion.
But for multiplatform development, I recommend using the terminal. WSL should work fine.
- Esc - Exit
- WASD - Move
- Space - Jump
- Left Shift - Sprint
- M - Change to flight mode
- Left mouse button - Destroy block
- Right mouse button - Place block
- /<blockID> Enter - Select block
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- GLFW: Window creation and input handling
- GLAD: OpenGL loader
- GLM: Math library
- std_image: Image loading library
- Perlin noise: Noise generation library
- stb_image: Image loading library
- LearnOpenGL:
- Perlin noise library:
- Other clone: