Releases: kiwicom/orbit
Releases · kiwicom/orbit
@kiwicom/[email protected]
@kiwicom/[email protected]
5.1.37 (2025-03-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/babel-plugin-orbit-components
@kiwicom/[email protected]
@kiwicom/[email protected]
21.0.0 (2025-03-10)
Bug Fixes
- Card: titles now render as DIV by default (f44908a)
- ChoiceGroup: aria-labelledby was incorrectly set without label (11997ea)
- ChoiceGroup: the label now renders as a div by default (72e0b4c)
- Collapse: not render empty button if label is empty (16f957b)
- Drawer: onClose was being called even when not shown (cd5a14c)
- InputField: render label element once, show block tooltip icon (f5d10cf)
- Textarea: remove duplicate label content for better accessibility (48cc721)
- Textarea: set mouse events only when tooltip is present (187fcad)
- Accordion: add ariaControls prop to improve a11y (a39180f)
- Accordion: remove default Open button (e8b5c8e)
- Alert: require labelClose when closable is true (1ae0845)
- ButtonMobileStore: add title prop (9287100)
- ButtonMobileStore: make alt prop required (6f423ba)
- Card: refactor component for improved accessibility (a9b21b3)
- CarrierLogo: add ariaHidden prop (62fcac5)
- Collapse: add required expandButtonLabel and collapseButtonLabel props (ae6154e)
- Collapse: label prop now only accepts string (867a61f)
- Drawer: add ariaLabel prop (7ca1211)
- Drawer: refactor component for improved accessibility (00f5d80)
- Drawer: title prop now only accepts string (4c988dc)
- icons: update icons from figma (77a0059)
- InputField: add ariaLabelledby prop to improve the accessibility (ab88ee9)
- InputField: remove duplicated VoiceOver content to improve a11y (8bbf728)
- ListChoice: refactor component for improved accessibility (f80e710)
- Textarea: add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledby attributes (2b36bad)
- Toast: the createToast function now accepts ariaProps (329fe14)
- icons: some icon names were changed.
Refer to the migration guide for a complete list of changes. - ButtonMobileStore: Because of accessibility,
the alt prop is now required on the ButtonMobileStore component.
This will be used as the alt attribute of the image.
Make sure the passed value is properly translated. - Collapse: the label prop in Collapse only accepts string.
It no longer accepts any React element.
Make sure to replace translation components by strings. - Collapse: Collapse now requires two new props:
They are used as accessible labels
to the button that toggles the collapsed content - Drawer: the title prop in Drawer only accepts string.
It no longer accepts any React element.
Make sure to replace translation components by strings. - Accordion: The Accordion component no longer renders an Open
button by default. If it is needed, you should pass it via actions prop. - Alert: Alert component now requires
is enabled. This will be converted into button aria-label
attribute, make sure the passed value is properly translated.
@kiwicom/[email protected]
5.1.36 (2025-03-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/babel-plugin-orbit-components
@kiwicom/[email protected]
5.1.35 (2025-03-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/babel-plugin-orbit-components
@kiwicom/[email protected]
@kiwicom/[email protected]
5.1.34 (2025-02-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/babel-plugin-orbit-components
@kiwicom/[email protected]
20.0.0 (2025-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- Badge: add missing status role (2eb62e8)
- Badge: remove ununsed border prop (f1d010d)
- Heading: fix uppercase text transform in h5 and h6 (144bf6e)
- HorizontalScroll: make scrollable area focusable (140d96d)
- Modal: first focusable element now focus automatically (ff991d2)
- HorizontalScroll: add aria-label to arrow buttons (f3aa20a)
- Loading: add asComponent and title props to improve the accessibility (15fe8dc)
- Modal: add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledby and ariaDescribedby (45ce1e6)
- Modal: add triggerRef prop to restore focus after close (52c664f)
- Modal: labelClose prop is now required when onClose is defined (ef7f010)
- Modal: remove autoFocus prop (069ad4f)
- Modal: the labelClose prop no longer has a default value.
It is now required whenever onClose is defined and
hasCloseButton is not explicitly set to false (default value is true). - Modal: The modal now focuses the first focusable element by default.
Therefore, the autoFocus prop is no longer needed - Badge: The Bagde component removed its border prop as
it was never utilized in the codebase. Migration steps are to remove
this prop from your Badge components, no visual change will occur. - HorizontalScroll: HorizontalScroll component now requires
props if you have thearrows
prop enabled. These will
be converted into button aria-label attributes, make sure the passed value is
properly translated.
@kiwicom/[email protected]
5.1.33 (2025-02-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/babel-plugin-orbit-components