This small repository holds an AngulaJS App Skeleton ready for you to start your Angular Project, including Boostrap for Angular (not JQuery).
Is build with Grunt, the JavaScript task runner, to know more about Grunt visit
in order to run Grunt, you first need to install NodeJS from the website.
Then, install the Grunt command line interface.
npm install -g grunt-cli
Then, get this code and run
npm install
Last, run the defaul task
grunt run
Then, you can visit your local server mounted by Grunt at localhost:3001
/node_modules ................. npm registered node modules
/public ....................... compiled application files
|-- /css ...................... compiled css
|-- /js ....................... compiled js modules
/src .......................... source directory
|-- /assets ................... assets like images
|-- /scripts .................. javascript source
|-- |-- /vendor ............... javascript libraries(angular and boostrap)
|-- /styles ................... sass source
|-- |-- /vendor ............... sass vendor styles (boostrap)
|-- /html ..................... html pages
.gitignore .................... git ignore directives
GruntFile.js .................. grunt file
package.json .................. grunt package information ..................... readme file
Generate a local development build
grunt run
If you need more info, just contact me at:
[email protected]