What's Changed
- feat: init the metadata repo with demo k8s by @zong-zhe in #1
- feat: add main.go and get_readme.sh to generate the content shown on AH by @zong-zhe in #3
- test: this is a test for publishing pkg by @zong-zhe in #4
- test by @zong-zhe in #5
- test by @zong-zhe in #6
- test by @zong-zhe in #7
- fix: rm useless test cases by @zong-zhe in #8
- feat: add sample named helloworld by @zong-zhe in #9
- fix: rm sample by @zong-zhe in #10
- publish package helloworld by @zong-zhe in #11
- fix: add default value for package description by @zong-zhe in #12
- build(deps): bump github.com/docker/distribution from 2.8.1+incompatible to 2.8.2+incompatible by @dependabot in #14
- build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker from 23.0.1+incompatible to 23.0.3+incompatible by @dependabot in #15
- feat: add set-annotations models by @Peefy in #13
- feat: add all model source code on github packages by @Peefy in #16
- build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 by @dependabot in #17
- feat: add collectionutil module v0.0.1 by @Peefy in #20
- feat: add workflow to supports manual republishing all kcl packages by @zong-zhe in #21
- fix: make republish into manual by @zong-zhe in #22
- feat: add verified publisher by @zong-zhe in #23
- feat: add quick start in README.md by @zong-zhe in #24
- build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.9.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #26
- feat: add more kcl modules about kcl examples, kcl charts and container modules. by @Peefy in #25
- refactor: enhance psp allowed users module and tag v0.1.1 by @Peefy in #29
- build(deps): bump github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 by @dependabot in #27
- build(deps): bump github.com/cloudflare/circl from 1.1.0 to 1.3.3 by @dependabot in #28
- build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker from 23.0.3+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible by @dependabot in #30
- feat: add psp volume module by @Peefy in #31
- feat: add test case and the workflow 'Publish Specified Packages' by @zong-zhe in #32
- feat: psp-seccomp module by @Peefy in #33
- feat: psp-read-only-root-filesystem module by @Peefy in #34
- feat: add psp proc mount by @Peefy in #35
- feat: add psp-privileged-containers module by @Peefy in #36
- feat: psp-host-network-ports by @Peefy in #38
- feat: add psp-host-namespaces modules by @Peefy in #39
- feat: add pathlib and psp-host-filesystem modules by @Peefy in #40
- feat: add psp fsgroup module by @Peefy in #41
- feat: add psp-forbidden-sysctls modules by @Peefy in #42
- feat: add kcl-run module by @Peefy in #43
- feat: add OAM modules and enhance the kcl run modules. by @Peefy in #44
- feat: add prometheus modules by @Peefy in #45
- feat: add istio module by @Peefy in #46
- feat: add more cncf modules by @Peefy in #47
- feat: add konfig modules by @Peefy in #49
- feat: add semver module by @Peefy in #50
- feat: allow the custom artifacthub-pkg.yml by @zong-zhe in #51
- Add model of karmada by @liangyuanpeng in #48
- feat: add more detailed information in README.md by @zong-zhe in #52
- ci: add cla check by @Peefy in #53
- feat: move all the metadata to '.integration/artifacthub' by @zong-zhe in #55
- fix: fix the metadata for package karmada by @zong-zhe in #56
- feat: publish the validator module by @Peefy in #57
- feat: publish more crd definitions by @Peefy in #58
- feat: impl init jsonpatch module by @Peefy in #59
- feat: add kcl type modules by @Peefy in #60
- test: add unit tests for the jsonpatch module by @Peefy in #61
- feat: add argo application field validation module by @Peefy in #62
- feat: add more argo application validation modules by @Peefy in #63
- feat: add aws releted kubernetes modules by @Peefy in #64
- feat: add cluster role binding by @Peefy in #65
- feat: add more container validation modules by @Peefy in #66
- feat: add more cncf project validation modules by @Peefy in #68
- fix: fix typo ngnix to nginx by @cr7258 in #67
- feat: add more check modules by @Peefy in #69
- feat: add more validation modules about fluxcd by @Peefy in #70
- chore: bump modules repo and use kcl mod instead of kpm by @Peefy in #71
- feat: add more istio mutation and validation modules by @Peefy in #72
- feat: add more nginx ingress modules by @Peefy in #73
- feat: add psp-check-supplemental-groups-modules by @Peefy in #74
- feat: add more openshift modules by @Peefy in #75
- feat: publish more nginx ingress modules by @Peefy in #76
- feat: add more tekton modules by @Peefy in #77
- chore: bump kpm cmd to kcl mod cmd by @Peefy in #78
- publish module k8s:1.14-1.17 by @zong-zhe in #80
- publish module k8s:1.18-1.21 by @zong-zhe in #81
- publish module k8s:1.22-1.25 by @zong-zhe in #82
- publish module k8s:1.26-1.28 by @zong-zhe in #83
- feat: add a new pr template for publish package by @zong-zhe in #84
- feat: replace the verified repo to update the install cmd by @zong-zhe in #85
- feat: add flux restrict annotation module by @Peefy in #86
- feat: publish more validation modules by @Peefy in #87
- feat: publish more validation modules about Kubernetes resources by @Peefy in #88
- feat: publish more modules by @Peefy in #89
- feat: add more modules about merge and loop by @Peefy in #90
- feat: init strategic merge patch module by @Peefy in #91
- feat: impl k8s strategic merge patch by @Peefy in #92
- chore: update artifact pkg commits and fix typos by @Peefy in #93
- feat: publish more modules by @Peefy in #94
- feat: add crossplane and crossplane provider modules by @Peefy in #95
- feat: add kubelocks modules by @Peefy in #96
- feat: add cluster-api-provider-vsphere-module modules and crd to kcl scripts. by @Peefy in #97
- add doc gen scripts in the crd2kcl sctips by @Peefy in #98
- feat: add argo rollouts and postgres operator modules by @Peefy in #99
- feat: add more crd modules by @Peefy in #100
- chore: bump kcl module versions by @Peefy in #101
- init: add github workflow modules by @Peefy in #102
- feat: add more kubernetes modules by @Peefy in #103
- feat: add more modules for k8s operators by @Peefy in #104
- feat: add more k8s operator modules by @Peefy in #105
- feat: add kcl module for k8s-1.29 by @zong-zhe in #106
- chore(deps): bump github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 from 5.6.1 to 5.11.0 by @dependabot in #107
- feat: add crossplane-xnetwork-kcl-function by @Peefy in #109
- feat: upgrade crossplane kcl function to v0.0.2 by @Peefy in #110
- chore: reduce readme size by @Peefy in #111
- chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39 to 41 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #108
- feat: add podinfo module by @Peefy in #113
- chore: upgrade knative-operator CRDs and KCL codes & bump the version to 0.1.0 by @Peefy in #115
- chore: remove huge readme files to docs/README.md by @Peefy in #116
- add kubeadm by @liangyuanpeng in #117
- fix: loop variable in kcl v0.8 by @Peefy in #120
- chore: enhance web-service-module with default config by @Peefy in #121
- chore: update the jsonschema module by @Peefy in #122
- Disable auto block pr option of contributor-assistant/github-action by @liangyuanpeng in #123
- chore: update github action to v4. by @liangyuanpeng in #124
- Add license scan report and status by @fossabot in #125
- Update pkg crossplane to version 1.15.2 by @aleeriz in #127
- publish module crossplane-provider-upjet-gcp by @aleeriz in #126
- publish argo-cd-order by @metacoma in #128
- Fix camelCase and add more sync states by @metacoma in #129
- Add ability to aggregate resources by @metacoma in #132
- chore: bump json merge patch version to 0.1.1 by @Peefy in #133
- Fix deprecationWarning check in crossplane package by @jgascon-nx in #134
- argo-cd-order 0.2.0 by @metacoma in #135
- chore: bump helloworld version to 0.1.2 to test by @zong-zhe in #136
- refactor: jsonpatch module test and bump version to 0.0.3 by @Peefy in #137
- feat: add difflib module to help kcl unit test cases by @Peefy in #138
- feat: add difflib module to help kcl unit test cases by @Peefy in #139
- fix: set_obj by @ihor-hrytskiv in #140
- update victoria-metrics-operator by @dennybaa in #142
- feat: implementing rfc6901Decode by @ihor-hrytskiv in #143
- bump istio crds to 1.21.1 by @dennybaa in #144
- docs: update istio module code and docs by @Peefy in #145
- update victoria-metrics-operator by @dennybaa in #146
- feat: add cluster api module by @Peefy in #147
- Publish module cluster-api-provider-azure by @kukacz in #150
- feat: add k8s 1.30 module by @Peefy in #151
- Publish module cluster-api-provider-aws by @kukacz in #152
- Publish module cluster-api-addon-provider-helm by @kukacz in #153
- Publish module cluster-api-provider-gcp by @kukacz in #154
- feat: add cluster-api-provider-metal3 module by @Peefy in #155
- chore: update cluster-api-provdier-metal3 module version and docs by @Peefy in #156
- publish module argo-cd by @DavidChevallier in #157
- publish module argo-workflow by @DavidChevallier in #158
- publish module Longhorn by @DavidChevallier in #160
- publish-module-cert-manager by @DavidChevallier in #161
- publish-module-opentelemetry-operator v0.0.2 by @DavidChevallier in #162
- chore: remove cla and fix ci tests by @Peefy in #163
- publish-module-cilium v0.1.1 by @DavidChevallier in #164
- fix doku module name for cilium by @DavidChevallier in #165
- fix multiple declaration of regex.match by @DavidChevallier in #167
- publish-module-traefik v0.1.1 by @DavidChevallier in #168
- Add module of Kind. by @liangyuanpeng in #170
- update kubeadm, add more fields for v1beta3. by @liangyuanpeng in #171
- update-module-external-secrets v0.1.1 by @DavidChevallier in #173
- fix-module-cilium multiple declaration of regex.match by @DavidChevallier in #174
- update kind and kubeadm by @liangyuanpeng in #175
- fix: wrong modules and re-trigger publishing by @Peefy in #176
- chore(deps): bump github.com/cloudflare/circl from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7 by @dependabot in #177
- fix: unique key errors in the crossplane module by @Peefy in #179
- Add CI for push package to local registry by @liangyuanpeng in #180
- CI: Replace kpm instead of kcl by @liangyuanpeng in #182
- sqlc: create sqlc module by @YvanDaSilva in #183
- fix: registry login scripts and re-trigger sqlc module by @Peefy in #184
- fix: schema optional attribute check and plugin check expr by @Peefy in #185
- update kind and kubeadm for 0.0.2 by @liangyuanpeng in #186
- Add kwok module. by @liangyuanpeng in #187
- Remove camel_k. by @liangyuanpeng in #188
- chore: update karmada module structure. by @liangyuanpeng in #189
- chore: only trigger publish package workflow when mod files is change. by @liangyuanpeng in #191
- chore: bump konfig version to 0.6.0 by @Peefy in #192
- Publish module fluxcd-helm-controller by @kukacz in #193
- Publish pkg fluxcd source controller by @kukacz in #194
- Publish pkg fluxcd kustomize controller by @kukacz in #195
- Publish module fluxcd-notification-controller by @kukacz in #196
- Publish module fluxcd-image-automation-controller by @kukacz in #197
- Publish module fluxcd-image-reflector-controller by @kukacz in #198
- Update cluster-api package to upstream v1.7.4 by @kukacz in #200
- Update cluster-api-provider-azure package to upstream v1.16.0 by @kukacz in #201
- Fixed crd_to_kcl.sh to work with latest kcl import structure by @kukacz in #202
- Name the registry a special kcl-registry instead of a common registry. by @liangyuanpeng in #203
- chore: update looper module test and examples by @Peefy in #204
- feat: publish fluxcd-kcl-controller module by @Peefy in #199
- fix: bump k8s version to 1.29 for keda and argo-rollouts by @zong-zhe in #205
- fix: add login to finish publish test by @zong-zhe in #206
- feat: add
module by @suin in #208 - chore: bump Telemetry to TelemetryIstio by @Peefy in #210
- fix: update package description for
module by @suin in #211 - feat: add kcl_lib module by @Peefy in #212
- chore: bump cilium k8s version to 1.30 by @Peefy in #214
- feat: add k8s:1.31 module and k8s generate scripts by @Peefy in #215
- update k8s module by @Peefy in #216
- chore(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker from 23.0.7+incompatible to 25.0.6+incompatible by @dependabot in #217
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.19.0 to 0.23.0 by @dependabot in #219
- chore(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.30.0 to 1.33.0 by @dependabot in #218
- Re execute pipeline for external-secrets v0.1.2 by @DavidChevallier in #220
- feat: release cilium 0.3 by @Peefy in #221
- chore(crossplane): bump crossplane to v1.16.0 by @dennybaa in #223
- feat(crossplane): add crossplane vault provider by @dennybaa in #222
- karpenter: add v1 crds and bump k8s deps to 1.30 by @liangyuanpeng in #224
- gateway-api: bump version to 1.0 and add a script for update. by @liangyuanpeng in #226
New Contributors
- @zong-zhe made their first contribution in #1
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #14
- @Peefy made their first contribution in #13
- @liangyuanpeng made their first contribution in #48
- @cr7258 made their first contribution in #67
- @fossabot made their first contribution in #125
- @aleeriz made their first contribution in #127
- @metacoma made their first contribution in #128
- @jgascon-nx made their first contribution in #134
- @ihor-hrytskiv made their first contribution in #140
- @dennybaa made their first contribution in #142
- @kukacz made their first contribution in #150
- @DavidChevallier made their first contribution in #157
- @YvanDaSilva made their first contribution in #183
- @suin made their first contribution in #208
Full Changelog: https://github.com/kcl-lang/modules/commits/v0.1.0