A mishmash of scripts for doing recon and investigation via OSINT both passive and active
recon - /rɪˈkɒn/ (INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN)
noun: recon; plural noun: recons
short for reconnaissance.
Most of these scripts use PHP, Python or Precompiled C. So here is the quickest way to install these recon scripts. I will update this section if you need anymore dependencies...
apt-get install php-cli php-curl
apt-get install python
Get recon git project & set it up!
git clone https://github.com/kawaiipantsu/recon.git
export PATH="$PATH:~/recon/recon-scripts"
If you want to always add it to your PATH
Add the following.: export PATH="$PATH:~/recon/recon-scripts"
To the bottom of..: ~/.bashrc
# MacOS
Add the following.: export PATH="$PATH:~/recon/recon-scripts"
To the bottom of..: ~/.bash_profile
# Windowns + Gitbash etc
Add the following.: C:\path\to\recon\recon-scripts
Under.............: Advanced system settings->Environment Variables
Just a quick list of the current recon scripts and a direct link to the text file.
- recon-update - Update the recon scripts from GIT
- recon-ct - Do recon on domain names, almost like AXFR
- recon-ntoo - Lookup danish phone number and find operator