git clone
cd rir-dashboard/deployment
docker-compose up -d
The web will be available at
To stop containers:
docker-compose kill
To stop and delete containers:
docker-compose down
git clone
cd rir-dashboard/deplyment
cp .template.env .env
docker-compose.override.template.yml docker-compose.override.yml
cd rir-dashboard
make up
make dev
The web will be available at http://localhost:2000/
To stop dev:
make dev-kill
To reload container:
make dev-reload
- Download onedrive by
sudo apt-get install onedrive
- Execute
onedrive --get-O365-drive-id '<your site name to search>'
- It will ask to click an url and put back the url that created on browser
- It will show an information. Check drive_id and copy it.
- Open file deployment/onedrive/config and put it to drive_id
make onedrive-firstrun
to run first config- It will ask to click an url and put back the url that created on browser
- Wait the system to finish the sync
- After that we can stop it and do
make up
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