All provided tests are passed.
And some details which made me confused are commented on code. 🎆
I am glad these comments help you to implement CS168 project :).
This repo contains a bare-bones database implementation, which supports executing simple transactions in series. In the assignments of this class, you will be adding support for B+ tree indices, efficient join algorithms, query optimization, multigranularity locking to support concurrent execution of transactions, and database recovery.
Specs for each of the projects will be released throughout the semester at here:
In this document, we explain
- how to fetch the released code
- how to fetch any updates to the released code
- how to setup a local development environment
- how to run tests using IntelliJ
- how to submit your code to turn in assignments
- the general architecture of the released code
For each project, we will provide a GitHub Classroom link. Follow the
link to create a GitHub repository with the starter code for the project you are
working on. Use git clone
to get a local copy of the newly
created repository.
In a perfect world, we would never have to update the released code because it would be perfectly free of bugs. Unfortunately, bugs do surface from time to time, and you may have to fetch updates. We will provide further instructions via a post on Piazza whenever fetching updates is necessary.
You are free to use any text editor or IDE to complete the assignments, but we will build and test your code in a docker container with Maven.
We recommend setting up a local development environment by installing Java 8 locally (the version our Docker container runs) and using an IDE such as IntelliJ.
If you have another version of Java installed, it's probably fine to use it, as long as you do not use any features not in Java 8. You should run tests somewhat frequently inside the container to make sure that your code works with our setup.
To import the project into IntelliJ, make sure that you import as a Maven project (select the pom.xml file when importing). Make sure that you can compile your code and run tests (it's ok if there are a lot of failed tests - you haven't begun implementing anything yet!). You should also make sure that you can run the debugger and step through code.
If you are using IntelliJ, and wish to run the tests for a given assignment follow the instructions in the following document:
To submit a project, navigate to the cloned repo, and use
git push
to push all of your changes to the remote GitHub repository created
by GitHub Classroom. Then, go to Gradescope class and click on the
project to which you want to submit your code. Select GitHub for the submission
method (if it hasn't been selected already), and select the repository and branch
with the code you want to upload and submit. If you have not done this before,
then you will have to link your GitHub account to Gradescope using the "Connect
to GitHub" button. If you are unable to find the appropriate repository, then you
might need to go to, click Gradescope,
and grant access to the berkeley-cs186-student
Note that you are only allowed to modify certain files for each assignment, and changes to other files you are not allowed to modify will be discarded when we run tests.
As you will be working with this codebase for the rest of the semester, it is a good idea to get familiar with it. The code is located in the src/main/java/edu/berkeley/cs186/database
directory, while the tests are located in the src/test/java/edu/berkeley/cs186/database directory
. The following is a brief overview of each of the major sections of the codebase.
The cli directory contains all the logic for the database's command line interface. Running the main method of will create an instance of the database and create a simple text interface that you can send and review the results of queries in. The inner workings of this section are beyond the scope of the class (although you're free to look around), you'll just need to know how to run the Command Line Interface.
The subdirectory cli/parser contains a lot of scary looking code! Don't be intimidated, this is all generated automatically from the file RookieParser.jjt in the root directory of the repo. The code here handles the logic to convert from user inputted queries (strings) into a tree of nodes representing the query (parse tree).
The subdirectory cli/visitor contains classes that help traverse the trees created from the parser and create objects that the database can work with directly.
The common
directory contains bits of useful code and general interfaces that
are not limited to any one part of the codebase.
The concurrency
directory contains a skeleton for adding multigranularity
locking to the database. You will be implementing this in Project 4.
Our database has, like most DBMS's, a type system distinct from that of the programming language used to implement the DBMS. (Our DBMS doesn't quite provide SQL types either, but it's modeled on a simplified version of SQL types).
The databox
directory contains classes which represents values stored in
a database, as well as their types. The various DataBox
classes represent
values of certain types, whereas the Type
class represents types used in the
An example:
DataBox x = new IntDataBox(42); // The integer value '42'.
Type t = Type.intType(); // The type 'int'.
Type xsType = x.type(); // Get x's type, which is Type.intType().
int y = x.getInt(); // Get x's value: 42.
String s = x.getString(); // An exception is thrown, since x is not a string.
The index
directory contains a skeleton for implementing B+ tree indices. You
will be implementing this in Project 2.
The memory
directory contains classes for managing the loading of data
into and out of memory (in other words, buffer management).
The BufferFrame
class represents a single buffer frame (page in the buffer
pool) and supports pinning/unpinning and reading/writing to the buffer frame.
All reads and writes require the frame be pinned (which is often done via the
method, which reloads data from disk if necessary, and then
returns a pinned frame for the page).
The BufferManager
interface is the public interface for the buffer manager of
our DBMS.
The BufferManagerImpl
class implements a buffer manager using
a write-back buffer cache with configurable eviction policy. It is responsible
for fetching pages (via the disk space manager) into buffer frames, and returns
Page objects to allow for manipulation of data in memory.
The Page
class represents a single page. When data in the page is accessed or
modified, it delegates reads/writes to the underlying buffer frame containing
the page.
The EvictionPolicy
interface defines a few methods that determine how the
buffer manager evicts pages from memory when necessary. Implementations of these
include the LRUEvictionPolicy
(for LRU) and ClockEvictionPolicy
(for clock).
The io
directory contains classes for managing data on-disk (in other words,
disk space management).
The DiskSpaceManager
interface is the public interface for the disk space
manager of our DBMS.
The DiskSpaceMangerImpl
class is the implementation of the disk space
manager, which maps groups of pages (partitions) to OS-level files, assigns
each page a virtual page number, and loads/writes these pages from/to disk.
The query
directory contains classes for managing and manipulating queries.
The various operator classes are query operators (pieces of a query), some of which you will be implementing in Project 3.
The QueryPlan
class represents a plan for executing a query (which we will be
covering in more detail later in the semester). It currently executes the query
as given (runs things in logical order, and performs joins in the order given),
but you will be implementing
a query optimizer in Project 3 to run the query in a more efficient manner.
The recovery
directory contains a skeleton for implementing database recovery
a la ARIES. You will be implementing this in Project 5.
The table
directory contains classes representing entire tables and records.
The Table
class is, as the name suggests, a table in our database. See the
comments at the top of this class for information on how table data is layed out
on pages.
The Schema
class represents the schema of a table (a list of column names
and their types).
The Record
class represents a record of a table (a single row). Records are
made up of multiple DataBoxes (one for each column of the table it belongs to).
The RecordId
class identifies a single record in a table.
The PageDirectory
class is an implementation of a heap file that uses a page directory.
The table/stats
directory contains classes for keeping track of statistics of
a table. These are used to compare the costs of different query plans, when you
implement query optimization in Project 4.
The Transaction
interface is the public interface of a transaction - it
contains methods that users of the database use to query and manipulate data.
This interface is partially implemented by the AbstractTransaction
class, and fully implemented in the Database.Transaction
inner class.
The TransactionContext
interface is the internal interface of a transaction -
it contains methods tied to the current transaction that internal methods
(such as a table record fetch) may utilize.
The current running transaction's transaction context is set at the beginning
of a Database.Transaction
call (and available through the static
method) and unset at the end of the call.
This interface is partially implemented by the AbstractTransactionContext
class, and fully implemented in the Database.TransactionContext
inner class.
The Database
class represents the entire database. It is the public interface
of our database - users of our database can use it like a Java library.
All work is done in transactions, so to use the database, a user would start
a transaction with Database#beginTransaction
, then call some of
's numerous methods to perform selects, inserts, and updates.
For example:
Database db = new Database("database-dir");
try (Transaction t1 = db.beginTransaction()) {
Schema s = new Schema()
.add("id", Type.intType())
.add("firstName", Type.stringType(10))
.add("lastName", Type.stringType(10));
t1.createTable(s, "table1");
t1.insert("table1", 1, "Jane", "Doe");
t1.insert("table1", 2, "John", "Doe");
try (Transaction t2 = db.beginTransaction()) {
// .query("table1") is how you run "SELECT * FROM table1"
Iterator<Record> iter = t2.query("table1").execute();
System.out.println(; // prints [1, John, Doe]
System.out.println(; // prints [2, Jane, Doe]
More complex queries can be found in