Recipes for TextBar app
Please submit pull-requests so that I can add your ideas/scripts.
If you encounter problems with TextBar, you can enable logging. How to:
- Run 'defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar ScriptLogging -bool true'
- Restart TextBar app
- Open the macOS Console app, and use 'TextBar' filter
To disable the extended logging:
- Run 'defaults delete com.RichSomerfield.TextBar ScriptLogging'
- Restart TextBar app
TextBar Mac licenses work with either v1 or v2 - there is no upgrade fee for v2.
TextBar v2 repesents a huge amount of work. If you would like to donate that would be very much appreciated.
Here are the major new items for v2...
Do you have multiple Mac computers? Do you have remote or headless Mac servers? If so, then TextBar Live could be for you. TextBar Live allows you to see the status of all of your TextBar items, from all of your Macs, in a single place on the web.
Note: TextBar Live requires a monthly subscription.
Register on
Create a subscription - note: the first 100 users get a free 1 device subscription.
In TextBar Mac app > Preferences > Live:
- Set your API Token - from
- And then enable
- View your TextBar items on the web:
Some of the TextBar values can be overriden from your script - so you can change them dynamically.
The dynamic section is identified by returning ----TEXTBAR----
in your script.
This script will override the refresh configured for this item (in TextBar preferences) with 5 secs.
echo "----TEXTBAR----"
echo "REFRESH=5"
This script will override the image configured for this item (in TextBar preferences).
echo "Dynamic Image"
echo "----TEXTBAR----"
echo "IMAGE=_no_image-32"
The bundled images are stored in /Applications/
(use 'Show Package Contents' to navigate into the app in Finder).
echo "Dynamic Image"
echo "----TEXTBAR----"
echo "IMAGE=coffee-32"
Prefix the image name with a ':' to load an image from a location on your machine.
echo "Dynamic Image"
echo "----TEXTBAR----"
echo "IMAGE=:$HOME/Pictures/RichS.jpeg"
Show HTML in the TextBar view. For example (this is the output of the script):
Display HTML
body {
font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
background-color: #3B9AD9;
color: #ffffff;
<h1>Hello from TextBar v2</h1>
Note: You can also specify the ViewSize of the view.
Display HTML
Show a webpage in the TextBar view.
echo "Display URL"
echo ""
echo "----TEXTBAR----"
echo "VIEWSIZE=$(( ( RANDOM % 200 ) + 500 )),$(( ( RANDOM % 200 ) + 300 ))"
Note: You can also specify the ViewSize of the view. This script creates a random sized view to demonstrate dynamic refresh too :-).
All TextBar items show the last updated time in the menu.
ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | cut -d" " -f2 | tail -n1
Requires TextBar 2.0.362 or later. This is much better than the SSID command that comes by default in TextBar.
curl | awk -F',' '{print $6}'
ping -c 1 | awk -F" |=" '/time/{print $10"ms"}'
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
df / | awk '{ print $5 }' | tail -n 1
UKDATE=\`TZ=GB date +"%H:%M %p"\` ; echo "UK: $UKDATE"
ALIVE=\`curl -Is | grep -q "200 OK"\` && echo "Google Alive" || echo "Google Dead"
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Read the script as you need to create a directory and file to list websites.
echo '😀'
Easiest way to see other emoji is; Open TextEdit, then "Edit > Emoji & Symbols". Then just copy and paste into TextBar.
if [ $((`date +"%S"`%2)) -eq 0 ]; then echo "\e[41mHot donuts now"; else echo "\e[42mHot donuts now"; fi
Set the refresh to 1 secs for flashing text.
ioreg -n AppleSmartBattery -r | awk '$1~/Capacity/{c[$1]=$3} END{OFMT="%.2f%%"; max=c["\"MaxCapacity\""]; print (max>0? 100*c["\"CurrentCapacity\""]/max: "?")}'
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Note: This is fairly basic. It is very slow to use
to calculate the CPU, but, I've not come across a better way yet.
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Requires TextBar 1.5.174 or later.
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Requires TextBar 1.5.174 or later.
osascript -e 'if application "iTunes" is running then' -e 'tell application "iTunes"' -e 'if player state = playing then' -e '(get name of current track) & " – " & (get artist of current track)' -e 'else' -e 'return ""' -e 'end if' -e 'end tell' -e 'else' -e 'return ""' -e 'end if'
If iTunes is running and a song is playing, this will display the current song name and artist name.
osascript -e 'if application "Spotify" is running then' -e 'tell application "Spotify"' -e 'if player state is playing then' -e 'return "♫ " & (artist of current track as string) & " - " & (name of current track as string)' -e 'end if' -e 'end tell' -e 'end if'
If Spotify is running and a song is playing, this will display the current song name and artist name.
curl -s ',UK&units=metric' | python -c 'import sys, json; data=json.load(sys.stdin); print("{} : {:.1f}°C".format(data["weather"][0]["main"], data["main"]["temp"]))'
Don't refresh too frequently as this service is rate limited. You'll need to change "Manchester,UK" to your location, unless you actually live in Manchester :-).
curl,_UK | grep "<title>" | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1
This is likely to break as it isn't entirely robust. Edit the location to get your weather.
$HOME/scripts/ TextBar "$HOME/Code/TextBar"
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Requires TextBar 1.5.174 or later
osascript -e 'tell application "ControlPlane" to get the current context' | sed -e 's: + ::g'
I also remove the + between the contexts to save space (TextBar green, ControlPlane red).
if [[ $(pgrep Mail) ]]; then osascript -e 'tell application "Mail" to get the unread count of inbox'; else echo "N/A"; fi
osascript $HOME/scripts/CheckOutlookMail.scpt
Download CheckOutlookMail.scpt to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
osascript $HOME/scripts/LatestEmail.scpt
Download LatestEmail.scpt to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
osascript $HOME/scripts/OutlookNextMeeting.scpt
Download OutlookNextMeeting.scpt to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Edit OutlookNextMeeting.scpt if you want the text formatted differently. Note: This only looks 60 mins into the future. You can edit OutlookNextMeeting.scpt if you want longer.
pbpaste | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]$//' | sed -E 's/^(.{10}).+$/\1.../'
This looks more complex than you might imagine. It; strips leading and trailing whitespace, displays only 10 chars (and if it exceeds 10 characters, it'll display the ellipsis). Obviously, if you 'Copy to Clipboard' on this, you'll get the truncated text - but, as it is already on the clipboard, you don't need to copy it :-).
pbpaste | wc -c
echo "M: "`ioreg -c BNBMouseDevice | grep '"BatteryPercent" =' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'`"%"
echo "B:" `ioreg -c AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard | grep '"BatteryPercent" =' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'`"%"
Add these as two separate items.
WhatPulse is a keyboard and mouse statistics generater.
Keys pressed in the last hour:
printf "%'.0f\n" $(echo '' | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/whatpulse/whatpulse.db -cmd "select count from keypresses where day = DATE('now') and hour = strftime('%H',TIME('now','localtime'));" -batch)
Key pressed today:
printf "%'.0f\n" $(echo '' | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/whatpulse/whatpulse.db -cmd "select sum("count") from keypresses where day = date();" -batch)
json=$(curl -s && echo $json | sed 's/,//g;s/^.*reputation...\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/'
(replace 22656 by your SO account number)
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar. Also, download to your machine (to ~/scripts) and add the action for this item to be $HOME/scripts/ Then, when you click on the machine, it'll start it. Many thanks to SteffenK!
VBoxManage list runningvms | egrep -oh '[a-z]+_default' | awk -F'_' '{print $1}' | paste -s -d", " -
Show all currently running vagrant boxes (VirtualBox only)
osascript $HOME/scripts/SelectedFinderFile.scpt
Download SelectedFinderFile.scpt to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
/usr/local/bin/brew update >/dev/null && /usr/local/bin/brew outdated | wc -l | awk '{print $1}' ; /usr/local/bin/brew outdated
This will show the number of outdated formulae in the menubar; clicking the item will show the list of items that are outdated. Update the path to
to match your system.
test -f $HOME/tmp/stand && { echo "Stand" && rm $HOME/tmp/stand } || { echo "Sit" && touch $HOME/tmp/stand }
Configure with whatever refresh frequency you want - in TextBar Preferences.
echo 'Normal \e[41m Other '
This is an example. Requires TextBar 1.5.174 or later
echo 'Hello' ; echo 'World' ; echo '!'
Requires TextBar 1.5.174 or later
From v1.3.3, TextBar can render basic HTML into your TextBar item. The text must begin with <html>
, or end with </html>
- must be in lowercase! - for it to be renderred as HTML.
The HTML support is fairly limited, it supports text and images. The text can be styled using embedded CSS, the images can't. Images should be resized to about 14x14.
echo '<html><b>Hel</b>lo <i>wor</i>ld</html>'
echo '<html><img src="http://www......."/></html>'
You can't resize the image, so make sure it is 14x14 pixels for it to show correctly.
cat '$HOME/scripts/apple.html'
Download apple.html to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
[ -d /Volumes/MyExtDrive ] && echo "<html><font face=\"helveticaneue-thin\"> MyExtDrive mounted</font></html>" || echo "<html><font face=\"helveticaneue-thin\">MyExtDrive <font color=red><b>not</b></font> mounted</font></html>"
Download to your machine (to ~/scripts), and then add this to TextBar.
Requires you to name your wallpapers for each space - see notes in the script for more details. Download to your machine (to ~/scripts). and then add this to TextBar.
Requires TextBar v1.4.9 (or later)
I'm working on a UI screen for preferences, but, until then you can set the Default Font/Font-Size, and Shell using defaults write
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultFontName -string "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight"
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultFontSize -int 10
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultShell -string "/bin/sh"
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultMaxWidth -int 100
Requires TextBar v1.4.47 (or later)
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
Note: This is in points. Use '0' for unlimited.
Note: This only works on OS X Yosemite (10.10)
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultAllImages -bool YES
Requires a restart of the TextBar app to read the folder
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultAdditionalImagesFolder -string "/Users/rich/images/png"
Requires TextBar v1.6.1 (or later)
Requires a restart of the TextBar app to read the folder
Note: Only loads 'png' files
Note: This will be moving to a new preferences UI when I get time to implement it
To remove use:
defaults delete com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultAdditionalImagesFolder
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultImageSize -int 18
Requires TextBar v1.6.19 (or later)
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultMenuImageSize -int 18
Requires TextBar v1.6.19 (or later)
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultNotificationImageSize -int 18
Requires TextBar v1.6.19 (or later)
Requires a restart of the TextBar app
Since v1.7.15, TextBar support custom actions. TextBar has, when you click on the text in the menubar, added the text to the clipboard. Now you can customize that behaviour to perform your own actions. Effectively you can build your own menu bar apps (i.e. app launcher, fav folder launcher, ...).
- Go to TextBar -> Preferences
- Change the Action to 'Script'
- Add your script
When your script runs, TextBar will pass two environment variables into the shell. These provide you with the index (i.e. position from 0...end in the menu list), and the actual text.
The two environment variables are:
- Add an action script of "echo $TEXTBAR_INDEX $TEXTBAR_TEXT > $HOME/output.txt"
When you trigger this action, it'll send the index and text to the output.txt file.
- Download the following files:
- ShowSpotify.scpt
- SpotifyControl.scpt
- Copy them to your ~/scripts folder
- Configure a Textbar item to have a script of:
- osascript $HOME/scripts/ShowSpotify.scpt
- Configure the Textbar item to have an action script of:
- osascript $HOME/scripts/SpotifyControl.scpt
You should now be able to skip tracks and play/pause from the Textbar item.
- Create a new TextBar item with an image
- Configure your script to be:
- echo "\nOpen"
- Configure your action script to be:
- osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to make new Finder window'
This'll only show the image in the menubar, but the 'Open' action will be shown in the menu.
If you want to have more launcher items, then you'll need to create the action script to check for the TEXTBAR_INDEX environment variable value in your action script.
- Download the following files:
- icloudtabs.scpt
- icloudtabsaction.scpt
- Copy them to your ~/scripts folder
- Create a new TextBar item
- Configure a Textbar item to have a script of:
- echo 'Tabs' && python ~/scripts/
- Configure the Textbar item to have an action script of:
- python ~/scripts/
This'll show your iCloud tabs from your other devices - it omits the tabs from the local machine.