This go package provides a comprehensive list of methods for interacting with Facebook's Graph Marketing api.
Find out what open positions we have at the moment and why JustWatch is a great place to work at:
The SDK supports crud operations for the following entities:
- ad_account
- adset
- custom_conversion
- insights
- post
- videos
- adcreative
- audience
- event
- interest
- search
- ads
- campaign
- image
- page
- service
We assume you already have a Facebook Developer account and configured an accessToken
and appSecret
. If not, checkout Facebooks Get Started
func main(){
fbService, _ := v16.New(l, accessToken, appSecret)
// [Code snippets from other example below go here]
c := v16.Campaign{
// Populate struct values
id, _ := fbService.Campaigns.Create(ctx, c)
accountID := "[account id]"
imagePath := "[path to image]"
imageName := "[image name]"
file, _ := os.Open(imagePath)
im, _ := fbService.Images.Upload(context.Background(), accountID,imageName, file)
// You now can access the ID of the uploaded image via im.ID
fmt.Println("Uploaded image has id: ", im.ID)
accountID := "[account id]"
videoPath := "[path to video]"
videoName := "[video name]"
file, _ := os.Open(videoPath)
vid, _ := fbService.Videos.Upload(context.Background(), accountID, videoName, file)
// You now can access the ID of the uploaded video via vid.ID
fmt.Println("Uploaded video has id: ", vid.ID)
id := "[account_id]"
campaigns, _ := p.fbService.Campaigns.List(id).Do(ctx)
// put the columns you need for the report
columns := []string {}
//account id you want the report from
id := "[account_id]"
// Create new report
report := fbService.Insights.NewReport(id)
// Configure report
DailyTimeIncrement(true). // get day by day reporting
Fields(columns...). // the fields you want your report to have
DatePreset("lifetime") // the time period for the report
// pass a channel which gets populated with results
ch := make(chan v16.Insight)
nRecords,_ := report.GenerateReport(ctx,ch)
//range over the channel to get Insight objects
for insight := range ch {
fmt.Println("New report result: ", insight)