Welcome to Paddle-Mobile GitHub project。Paddle-Mobile is a project of PaddlePaddle as well as a deep learning framework for embedded platforms.
欢迎来到 Paddle-Mobile GitHub 项目。Paddle-Mobile是PaddlePaddle组织下的项目,是一个致力于嵌入式平台的深度学习的框架。
- high performance in support of ARM CPU
- support Mali GPU
- support Andreno GPU
- support the realization of GPU Metal on Apple devices
- support implementation on ZU5、ZU9 and other FPGA-based development boards
- support implementation on Raspberry Pi and other arm-linux development boards
- 高性能支持ARM CPU
- 支持Mali GPU
- 支持Andreno GPU
- 支持苹果设备的GPU Metal实现
- 支持ZU5、ZU9等FPGA开发板
- 支持树莓派等arm-linux开发板
If you want to know more details about the documentation of paddle-mobile design, please refer to the link as follows. There are many previous designs and discussion: issue.
link of documentation of design
Documentation of development is mainly about building, running and other tasks.As a developer,you can use it with the help of contributed documents.
- tutorial link to contribute documents
- Main procedure of contributing code is covered in the document above.If you have other problems during the procedure,please send them as issue. We will deal with it as quickly as possible.
关于paddle-mobile设计文档在下面链接中,如果想了解更多内容。issue中会有很多早期的设计和讨论过程。 设计文档链接
At present Paddle-Mobile only supports Paddle fluid training model. Models wiil be operated regularly after transformation if you have various models.
It is the most reliable method to be recommanded
ONNX is expanded as Open Neural Network Exchange. The project is aimed to make a full communication and usage among diffrent nerual network development frameworks.
Except for directly using fluid models trained by PaddlePaddle,you can also get certain Paddle fluid models through onnx transformation.
At present,work in support of onnx is also under operation in Baidu. Related tranformation project can be referred to here: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-onnx
目前Paddle-Mobile仅支持Paddle fluid训练的模型。如果你手中的模型是不同种类的模型,需要进行模型转换才可以运行。
ONNX全称为“Open Neural Network Exchange”,即“开放的神经网络切换”。该项目的目的是让不同的神经网络开发框架做到互通互用。
除直接使用PaddlePaddle训练fluid版本的模型外,还可以通过onnx转换得到个别Paddle fluid模型。
目前,百度也在做onnx支持工作。相关转换项目在这里: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-onnx
Welcome to put forward or tackle with our problems,You can post your question in our issue modular on github. Github Issues.
Paddle-Mobile provide relatively unstricted Apache-2.0 Open source agreement Apache-2.0 license.
Original MDL(Mobile-Deep-Learning) project has been transferred to Mobile-Deep-Learning
欢迎提出或解决我们的问题,有疑问可以发issue. Github Issues.
Paddle-Mobile 提供相对宽松的Apache-2.0开源协议 Apache-2.0 license.
原MDL(Mobile-Deep-Learning)工程被迁移到了这里 Mobile-Deep-Learning