Feathers data provider for react-admin
The perfect match to build Backend and Frontend Admin, based on REST services. For using Feathers with react-admin.
If you are searching for admin-on-rest (older react-admin version), please use 1.0.0 version
ra-data-feathers currently supports the following request types. More information on react-admin request types is available for data providers and auth providers in the react-admin documentation.
- Data Provider
- Auth Provider
In your react-admin app just add ra-data-feathers dependency:
npm install ra-data-feathers --save
Both restClient
and authClient
depend on a configured Feathers client instance.
Configuration of the Feathers client is beyond the scope of this document. See the Feathers documentation for more information on configuring the Feathers client. Both of the following need to be configured in the Feathers client for use with ra-data-feathers.
- A client type such as REST, Socket.io, or Primus
- Authentication
The ra-data-feathers data provider (restClient) accepts two arguments: client
and options
should be a configured Feathers client instance. This argument is required.
contains configurable options for the ra-data-feathers restClient. The options
argument is optional and can be omitted. In this case, defaults will be used.
const options = {
id: 'id', // If your database uses an id field other than 'id'. Optional.
usePatch: false, // Use PATCH instead of PUT for UPDATE requests. Optional.
my_resource: { // Options for individual resources can be set by adding an object with the same name. Optional.
id: 'id', // If this specific table uses an id field other than 'id'. Optional.
/* Allows to use custom query operators from various feathers-database-adapters in GET_MANY calls.
* Will be merged with the default query operators ['$gt', '$gte', '$lt', '$lte', '$ne', '$sort', '$or', '$nin', '$in']
customQueryOperators: []
Performant Bulk Actions
can be used by enabling multi options in the feathers application
also accepts two parameters. client
and options
should be a configured Feathers client instance. This argument is required.
contains configurable options for the ra-data-feathers authClient. The options
argument is optional and can be omitted. In this case, defaults shown below will be used.
const options = {
storageKey: 'feathers-jwt', // The key in localStorage used to store the authentication token
authenticate: { // Options included in calls to Feathers client.authenticate
strategy: 'local', // The authentication strategy Feathers should use
permissionsKey: 'permissions', // The key in localStorage used to store permissions from decoded JWT
permissionsField: 'roles', // The key in the decoded JWT containing the user's role
passwordField: 'password', // The key used to provide the password to Feathers client.authenticate
usernameField: 'email', // The key used to provide the username to Feathers client.authenticate
redirectTo: '/login', // Redirect to this path if an AUTH_CHECK fails. Uses the react-admin default of '/login' if omitted.
logoutOnForbidden: true, // Logout when response status code is 403
ra-data-feathers can be used by passing the restClient
and authClient
to the react-admin <Admin>
component as the dataProvider
and authProvider
params respectively:
dataProvider={restClient(feathersClient, restClientConfig)}
authProvider={authClient(feathersClient, authClientConfig)}
This example assumes the following:
- A configured Feathers client is available at
- The Feathers authentication service includes a field called
- List components for
are available in./resources
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import feathersClient from './feathersClient';
import { AResourceList } from './resources/AResource/List';
import { AnotherResourceList } from './resources/AnotherResourceList';
import { restClient, authClient } from 'ra-data-feathers';
const restClientOptions = {
id: '_id', // In this example, the database uses '_id' rather than 'id'
usePatch: true // Use PATCH instead of PUT for updates
const authClientOptions = {
usernameField: 'username', // Our example database might use 'username' rather than 'email'
permissionsField: 'userroles', // Use the 'userroles' field on the JWT as the users role
redirectTo: '/signin', // Our example login form might be at '/signin', redirect here if AUTH_CHECK fails
const App = () => (
title='ra-data-feathers Example'
dataProvider={restClient(feathersClient, restClientOptions)}
authProvider={authClient(feathersClient, authClientOptions)}
{permissions => [
permissions === 'admin' ? // Only show this resource if the user role is 'admin'
/> : null;
Note: the permissions restriction above only affects whether a given resource is visible or not, and will not prevent users from accessing your API directly. In most projects, this option would be used with user/role restriction hooks on the server side such as feathers-authentication-hooks.
You can find a complete example in https://github.com/kfern/feathers-aor-test-integration
Tests for the ra-data-feathers module are available from the root directory of the module with:
npm run test
This software is licensed under the MIT Licence, and sponsored by CambΓ‘.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!