What's Changed
- Initialize the Electron App and add React dependencies by @josephmasson26 in #4
- cleaned disease ds by @mko02 in #6
- more cleaned data by @mko02 in #7
- Add welcome page UI components and styles by @josephmasson26 in #8
- finalized disease vector for gmm by @mko02 in #11
- Fix typo in Subtitle component and add profile link by @josephmasson26 in #12
- maybe work by @NamkhangNLe in #9
- Create Home Screen and add bento grid by @josephmasson26 in #14
- Connection by @NamkhangNLe in #16
- changed cursor by @NamkhangNLe in #18
- Add chatbot functionality by @josephmasson26 in #17
- Fix window sizing and customize bot by @josephmasson26 in #26
- Update README.md and add logo by @josephmasson26 in #27
- Update window height and add margin-top to home.css by @josephmasson26 in #29
- Raghav by @paggyhaggns in #32
- Optimize button styles and add color-coded blur animation by @josephmasson26 in #33
- Update grid layout in home.css by @josephmasson26 in #35
- Update button gradient by @josephmasson26 in #36
- documentation added for flask backend and api call by @NamkhangNLe in #39
- Update background colors, hover effects, window height, and CSS styles by @josephmasson26 in #40
- HOLY SO MANY HOURS WASTED by @NamkhangNLe in #42
- breaking by @paggyhaggns in #43
- huh by @josephmasson26 in #44
- Fix styling issue in chat container by @josephmasson26 in #45
- Stream Enabled by @NamkhangNLe in #46
- Stream comments by @NamkhangNLe in #47
- simple profile by @mko02 in #49
- Nothing to worry about. fixed stuff by @NamkhangNLe in #51
- hide api key by @mko02 in #54
- Add dropdown component and reset button by @josephmasson26 in #53
- Maybe added running memory by @NamkhangNLe in #52
- Add isMouseInside state variable to Dropdown component by @josephmasson26 in #58
- Add result page and components by @josephmasson26 in #59
- Add bento structure and finalize results grid by @josephmasson26 in #60
- Update reset button style by @josephmasson26 in #62
- add open ai by @mko02 in #64
- add pathing and initial intro by @mko02 in #65
- merge commit by @josephmasson26 in #66
- add disease dist json by @mko02 in #67
- Final visual update by @josephmasson26 in #68
- Update README.md by @josephmasson26 in #72
- complete backend by @mko02 in #73
- add inital message by @mko02 in #75
- okay by @josephmasson26 in #77
- pyache git ignore by @mko02 in #78
- cute color changes by @josephmasson26 in #79
- fix reset func by @mko02 in #80
- fix reset by @mko02 in #81
- finishing up by @mko02 in #82
- Update README.md by @NamkhangNLe in #83
New Contributors
- @mko02 made their first contribution in #6
- @NamkhangNLe made their first contribution in #9
- @paggyhaggns made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: https://github.com/NamkhangNLe/DiagnoseMe/commits/v1.0