is a CLI helper to install Github releases on your system.
It can be used for pretty much anything, to install a formatter in your CI, deploy
some binary using an orcherstration tool, or on your desktop.
This project was mainly created to...
# ...turn this mess:
wget --quiet --output-document=- "" \
| tar --extract --xz --directory=/usr/local/bin --strip-components=1 --wildcards 'shellcheck*/shellcheck' \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shellcheck
wget --quiet --output-document=/usr/local/bin/shfmt "" \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shfmt
# Into this:
pip3 install gh-release-install
gh-release-install \
"koalaman/shellcheck" \
"shellcheck-{tag}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" --extract "shellcheck-{tag}/shellcheck" \
gh-release-install \
"mvdan/sh" \
"shfmt_{tag}_linux_amd64" \
- Download releases from Github.
- Extract zip or tarball on the fly.
- Pin to a desired version or get the
version. - Keep track of the local tools version using a version file.
Install the package from pip:
pip install gh-release-install
gh-release-install --help
Or with with pipx:
pipx install gh-release-install
gh-release-install --help
usage: gh-release-install [-h] [--extract <filename>] [--version <version>]
[--version-file <filename>]
[--checksum <hash>:<digest|asset>] [-v] [-q]
Install GitHub release file on your system.
positional arguments:
REPOSITORY Github REPOSITORY org/repo to get the release from.
ASSET Release ASSET filename. May contain variables such as
'{version}' or '{tag}'.
DESTINATION Path to save the downloaded file. If DESTINATION is a
directory, the asset name will be used as filename in
that directory. May contain variables such as
'{version}' or '{tag}'.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--extract <filename> Extract the <filename> from the release asset archive
and install the extracted file instead. May contain
variables such as '{version}' or '{tag}'. (default:
--version <version> Desired release version to install. When using 'latest'
the installer will guess the latest version from the
Github API. (default: latest)
--version-file <filename>
Track the version installed on the system using a file.
May contain variables such as '{destination}'. (default:
--checksum <hash>:<digest|asset>
Asset checksum used to verify the downloaded ASSET.
<hash> can be one of md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384,
sha512. <digest|asset> can either be the expected
checksum, or the filename of an checksum file in the
release assets. (default: None)
-v, --verbose Increase the verbosity. (default: 0)
-q, --quiet Disable logging. (default: None)
template variables:
{tag} Release tag name.
{version} Release tag name without leading 'v'.
{destination} DESTINATION path, including the asset filename if path
is a directory.
gh-release-install 'mvdan/sh' \
'shfmt_{tag}_linux_amd64' \
'/usr/local/bin/shfmt' \
--version 'v3.3.1'
gh-release-install 'prometheus/prometheus' \
'prometheus-{version}.linux-amd64.tar.gz' \
--extract 'prometheus-{version}.linux-amd64/prometheus' \
'/usr/local/bin/prometheus' \
--version-file '{destination}.version' \
--checksum 'sha256:sha256sums.txt'