feaures provided in this server:
generate Maps on the fly from openstreetmap MapGeneration
- register your own site at Register Page
- will skip zoom levels if there are is only one site linked
- zoom out in the bottom left
- will clear cache upon new site registration
- exitUrl to get back to main map : "https://pi4.e6azumuvyiabvs9s.myfritz.net/mapserver/rest/mapserver/site.json"
- or take the url from where you jumped off(though that may change when new sites get generated)
identify the current user and store properties UserHandling
communicate with the user UserCommunication
item pickup Items
hidden behind "gamemode" property: GameMode - enable gamemode
ability to make friends with someone (theres a special area where if both people are in at the same time they become friends)
ability to enable an overlay on any of my maps that can map overlay
- teleport to friends
- show a compass to friends
- message friends accross maps
- teleport to your users personal map
customize your users personal map at will (you can pick up "tiles" at chests after completing challenges (currently no pay to win :D ))
frontend scripts at https://github.com/jonnytest1/workadventuremap/tree/master/scripts
- script loader index.js
- because using scripts on multiple places is annoying otherwise
- backend communcation backend comm
- iframe type for settings cookies
- then webhook type for events and stuff
- (check out the typing )
- utility scripts for pupups
- zoned-popup
- and on top of that an ENTIRE BOT TREE
- script loader index.js
also minesweeper
- frontend code
- backend code
- and just for fun the backend code as frontend code this way it can actually be used without backend (minor adjustments may need to be made depending on your map and tilesets)